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"Who are you to me?" He repeated...he smiled warmly and placed his hand over mine, a wave of warmth washed over me as I felt my heart swell with happiness. "You're family" he breathed out proudly.

I choked on my breath and felt more tears fall from my eyes, "please

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I choked on my breath and felt more tears fall from my eyes, "please..who...who are you?" I begged to know, he smiled and I suddenly felt the wall between our hands disappear and felt him. I gasped softly as I felt his skin against my hand, how did he feel so familiar.

"My Obi Wan Kenobi, and you are no granddaughter to the emperor" he said proudly, I furrowed my brow and glanced at our touching hands. "That was one of the many lies strung by Snoke to try and control you" Obi Wan explained.

I tried to gather all that was happening, my whole existence with Snoke had been a lie and I'd just possibly found family. My heart was pounding with excitement as I could finally find the family I'd been looking for. "What are you saying?...are you saying I'm not a Palpatine?" I asked breathlessly, Obi wan smiled and nodded his head, "then who am I?" I asked.

He smiled and laced his fingers within my own, I quickly wrapped my hand around his and looked at my arm and saw the dark fabric was now gone. I was wearing the robes from Luke's temple...Jedi robes.

"Your true name, is Rey granddaughter" he explained softly but the words were loud enough to fill a thirst ridden desert with refreshing water. Another tear fell from my eye as I stared at my grandfather. This felt right...he didn't feel like a stranger...he felt like home.

Suddenly my side was stabbed with burning pain, I gasped and clutched my side, wincing in pain. I fell to the cold ground, my hand slipped from my grandfathers. "Ben!" I breathed out hopelessly. I looked up at Obi wan and felt my heart sink.

"I've done something horrible...I don't how to stop it" I cried desperately, clutching my aching side. Obi Wan knelt down next to me, the wall separating us once more.

"My dear, you know what you have to do in your heart. I myself have lost many people I love..." he began to say, but he trailed off.

"Who, might I ask?" I breathed out, I gazed off into the darkness and took a deep breath.

"My dear Satine...and my brother, Anakin" Obi wan said plainly, I could feel the heartbreak in his heart. I gasped softly as voices filled my mind.

"I hate you!" A venomous voice spit.

"You were my brother Anakin! I loved you!" Obi wan yelled in reply, heartbreak clear in his broken voice.

"remember my dear Obi wan...Ive loved you always...I always will" a woman's dying voice filled my head.

I felt my heart breaking, how could anyone stay in the light after that? I glanced up my grandfather and saw his broken expression. "My your heart, the force will be with you, always" he said softly.

Suddenly I was back in my room, my eyes slowly opening as my world seemed clearer then the water of the falls.

Suddenly I was back in my room, my eyes slowly opening as my world seemed clearer then the water of the falls

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I glanced to the side and felt my heart fill with hope and remorse for what I'd done. I stared through the window in my chambers, the dim light of the close moon glowing across my face as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Trust myself..." I breathed out, I choked on my breath as my side aches slightly, they were hurting him. I heaved in a quick breath and felt my blood boil from the rage of Snoke's betrayal.

I hastily held the blanket to my chest as I rose form my bed, feeling the heaviness of the truth I always wanted push down against my chest. My lengthy hair cascaded down my back as I sat up straight, tears still wet in my eyes.

I threw the covers back from my bed, rising form the comfortable mattress and picking up the cloak from the floor

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I threw the covers back from my bed, rising form the comfortable mattress and picking up the cloak from the floor. I wrapped the red fabric around my shoulders and stormed from my chambers. The sound of my heart pounding in my ears.

I reached my hand out and grabbed the collar of the closets Lieutenant walking down the halls. "Where is Ben Solo?" I spit, her eyes were wide as she pointed toward the detention cells. "K-7" she replied.

I pushed her from my grasp and stomped down the detention hall, I could sense Ben, I could feel his presence but I did not know his condition. As I stormed down the hall, my soul felt pulled toward the cell Ben was being held in. I had to save him, I had to.

A squadron of troopers were waiting outside of K-7, just as I was about to walk toward the cell door, they blocked my path. "No one is permitted to see the prisoner under Hux's command" the trooper informed me, I glared at him through the helmet and smiled devilishly toward him.

"I am Velle Ren, granddaughter of the one true emperor and successor to Supreme Leader Snoke. Loyal apprentice to the dark side and empress of the will leave" I commanded, I could hear him choke on his breath as he understood who I truly was.

"Ah...yes...let's go men" the trooper commanded, I waited until they cleared the detention hall for me to enter the cell. My heart fluttered with regret as the cell was in almost complete darkness other then the faint glow of the moon outside.

Ben's back was facing me, but his head was slumped and I could feel his pain. Tears ring my eyes as I turned to the control panel on the door and denied access to anyone but me, locking the door.

"Rey..." Ben asked weakly, I faced him and felt tears sting my eyes as I felt his weakness. I sprinted around the torture chair and felt sick to my stomach as I saw blood seeping through his tan tunic. I pulled the hood from my head and stared into his fluttering eyes. My heart sunk as I saw the damage done to him.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now