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"Can feel that warmth?" Luke asked.

No, I can't

Why can't I feel it?

What's happening?

"Can you feel that sense of balance within the force. Great sadness meets great joy" Luke said with beaming excitement for us to learn.

You see no light. There is no balance. Just empty darkness.

Why can't I feel the balance?

Images flashed across my eyes, images of flowers wilting and animals lying dead in a rotting field. I felt sick to my stomach as I saw what looked like a hellish fire spreading across a field of blooming flowers, the red and orange light consuming the beautiful flowers and leaving nothing but a blackened, decrepit carcass in its place.

"Now, open your eyes" Luke instructed, I whipped my eyes open and saw a look of serenity on everyone's face. I choked out a breath and put a fake smile on my face. I glanced over to Vai and saw her eyes beaming with benignity, she knew what this balance was. She could see it, she could feel it.

All I could feel was the force, I knew that the force was out there but I didn't know what it was. I longed to find peace and purpose within my mind but it seemed unachievable at the moment.

"Great darkness will never overpower great light, as long as you have peace and faith in the force, you will never succumb to the darkness" Luke said proudly, I tried to hide the confusion in my mind.

What was so different about me?

I glanced over to Vai again and saw her staring at Ben Solo with wide eyes, they were sharing a moment of shared happiness that they could see this balance. They were grateful they had this insight of the force that a Jedi also possessed.

"You are no Jedi, you were meant for more dear child...so much more, find me and seek your destiny" the voice tempted,my whole tensed as it felt as though this voice was whispering in my ear, as though he was right there.

"Power lies within you, strength in the dark side even Skywalker would fear...speak to me dear child, I will allow it when your eyes close" the voice said quietly, I kept my lips pressed together as I gave the smallest nod. I wanted to know more and if he meant tonight, then I'd accept.

"Students, I would like all of you to train with your lightsabers. Remember what I told you, a lightsaber is a powerful weapon, hold onto it" Luke said with a smile across his face. I just felt a tinge of relief as I knew I wouldn't have to sit in this circle and possibly have the voice return.

I stood from my spot in the circle and began to walk toward outside, Vai following after me. I grasped the hilt of my lightsaber and took calming deep breaths. "Do you want to go by the Yuptla plants?" Vai asked, I just quickly nodded my head and unclenched my jaw.

Vai and I always trained by the yuptla plants with lightsabers, Vai loved fighting in areas where things couldn't get destroyed, unlike the other students who just wherever and take the risk of breaking thing.

I walked silently by her side as I unclipped the lightsaber from my belt. The cold metal felt so familiar in my hands nowadays, before it felt wrong to hold a Jedi's weapon.

"Take your weapon and strike down your friend, she will turn you in to Skywalker and you will be expelled from the school. Kill her before it's too late!" The commanded, a chill ran up my spine as I discreetly glanced over at Vai. Her eyes were trained on the training ground before us, not noticing my now anxious feeling.

She could turn me in.

She noticed I wasn't come this morning.

If she told Luke...she'd be just like everyone else in my life.

Dead to me.

My grip on my lightsaber tightened as my thumb methodically hovered over the ignition button, only a small amount of pressure would determine what I would do next.

"Why did you want to know about Ben?" Vai asked curiously, I felt my internal tension fade as I pulled my thumb away from the weapon ignition.

"We just made eye contact before the lesson and I'd never known anything about him...I was just curious." I stated, Vai just nodded her head and gave me a look of confusion. I furrowed my own brow and saw her eyes were beaming with a question she seemed afraid to ask.

"You can ask me Vai" I said plainly, her face relaxed and she smiled at the ground in relief.

"You were always good at reading my expression" she mumbled, I just nodded my head and giggled slightly. I never saw reading her expression as a skill but I guess it was something I could do.

"Rey!" A voice called from behind Vai and I, we both turned around and saw Master Skywalker standing in the entrance of the temple. His hands were behind his back and a small smile displayed across his face.

"Come here please" he called, fear filled my heart but I pushed it down, concealing the horrifically strong emotion. I glanced at Vai and she just smirked.

"What do you think he wants?" I asked softly, she just shrugged her shoulder.

"All I know is that you're lucky, go on" she pushed, I just nodded my head and walked toward Luke, concealing my trembling hands within my sleeves.

Vai told him, how else would he know?

As I approached the temple, Master Skywalker slowly walked inside, leaving me to enter on my own. "Foolish child, Skywalker is no saint, he will kill you for the darkness within. You must strike first!" The voice yelled.

I stopped right before the temple doors and looked back toward Vai, I saw her brow was furrowed as she motioned for to just go inside already. I pressed my lips together and pushed back the curtains in the doorway, my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Do not fail me" the voice croaked.

Fail him? I am no apprentice under this voice and yet it controls me like I am. I could only fear what would happen in this temple as I entered the now dormant room.

Redemption of the Irredeemable ❯Reylo Story❮Where stories live. Discover now