I hope that you burn (pt 1) [Jamilton]

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alright first ff I'm not excited
content warning-angst

[Alex's POV]
I was waiting for my Thomas to get home. It was getting dark and I was worried. I decided to make him a bowl of mac and cheese as I know he adores them,and while waiting for the microwave to beep,I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to see my best friend,Peggy,distraught and in tears,holding a bunch of photographs.

I sat her down and asked what happened. She showed me the photographs. They were of Thomas kissing a bunch of random girls. I was frozen in shock,and then sorrow overtook me. He was cheating on me.

Peggy was meanwhile asking whether I was ok. I broke down in tears.My Thomas was cheating on me. I could not understand. All those times he said he was working late,were lies. He was sleeping with a bunch of sluts. Was I not good enough for him? Why would he lie to me that I was all he needed and loved,and then proceed to cheat on me with girls? I fell for his Southern charm(who wouldn't?) and other girls did too. I wasn't special anymore. I wasn't good enough for him. I shared these thoughts with Peggy who was there for a while with hugs and comfort.

After Peggy had left,I stood up and grabbed a small box that was balanced precariously on the mantlepiece. Inside were all the letters he had written me. Oh,how he had stolen my heart. I mirthlessly laughed. He could live with the girls. He didn't need me.

As I was staring into the fire with his letters in my hand,the door opened,and Thomas stepped into the house. I could smell the alcohol in his breath as he took a step towards me. I started to sing,as words did not do justice to the emotions I felt.

I saved every letter you wrote me, from the moment I read them, I knew you were mine,
you said you were mine,I thought you were mine.

He stared at me with tears in his eyes. I was not done with him yet.

Do you know what Eliza said,when we saw your first letter arrive?
She said, be careful with that one,love,
he will do what it takes to survive.
I'm re-reading the letters you wrote to me,
I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line
For some kind of sign,
And when you were mine
The world seemed to burn.

As I said those last words,I tossed the letters into the fire,watching the fire eat up his lovely handwriting. He tentatively took a step forward.

Don't,take another step in my direction,
I can't be trusted around you.
Don't think you can talk your way into my arms.
I'm erasing myself from the narrative
I'm burning the letters you wrote me,
You can stand over there if you want,

He looked at me with sadness and I turned away and continued to stare at the fire.

I don't know who you are, I have so much to learn,
I'm re-reading your letters
And watching them burn.

I stared at him with no emotion in my eyes as tears streamed down my face.

I know about whispers.
I see how you look at Angelica,
I'm not naive,
I have seen women around you,

My tone was mocking and my eyes taunting him to say anything. He looked at me with pain and regret.

Think I don't see how they fall for your charms?
All your charms?
Stand back, watch it burn
Just watch it all burn
If you thought you were mine,

With that,I shoved him out of the house along with all his belongings,with a sad smile.

Alright, first oneshot! thank you for reading this! stay tuned for part 2! please feel free to suggest story ideas in the comments! Thank you to my best friend who supported me writing!(679 words)

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