Distraction [Jamilton]

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content warning-Jeffmadilton, smut,mentions of smut,alex gets double penetrated,poly relationship,dom thomas and james,sub alex

i like what this is,inexplicably.

[hah what kind of pov is this POV]
Alexander was in the men's room,the sink and mirror area,retying his hair into a tight bun. It wouldn't bother his neck or his entire head. He was smoothing his hair down when his lover,James(madison) came into the room and walked to Alex,standing behind him and wrapping his arms on his waist,whispering in his ear,"Don't you look like a dream,Lexi. Distract Tommy for me,won't ya? I'll be in soon." His Southern accent was layered under his words,making it sound like honey over toast. With a knowing glance to his lover,he exited the room,with a good mood,because he knew that if he distracted Thomas he was in for something fun.

Opening the door to Thomas' office,it could be seen that Thomas was overwhelmed. People had finally convinced George Washington to take a holiday,even for two days,and since Thomas was a higher committeeman he got the workload hard. He was so deep in concentration that he didn't hear the door open or see Alex come in.

"Alexander,what is it? I have work to do." he said upon seeing Alexander. Pushing Thomas down on his chair and away from his desk,he straddled Thomas,pulling his tie in the process. "I'm here to distract you.." he said,while grinding on Thomas' pelvis and his bulge,which was growing bigger by the second. Thomas stood up and pinned Alex to the wall,slamming his own hips against his sub,and ravaging his mouth. "Haven't I told you already,don't distract daddy while he's working?" Alex just whimpered in response. Thomas bit his neck."That's not an answer,mon jouet^."
"Sorry daddy."
"damn straight." Thomas moved Alexander into a position,leaning across his desk and legs spread open. Alexander whimpered,desperate for friction,anything. Thomas condescending him in french got him off more than he'd like to admit.

As two fingers breached his tight ring of muscles,he moaned obscenely,but not before Thomas shoved his tie into his mouth. "You don't want them to hear you now,do you,princess?" He started to scissor the shaking man underneath him, touching his prostate a few times just to see him positively convulse.

Thomas pulled out his fingers after a few more seconds,because Alexander's pitiful whines and moans were getting him hard. As his fingers pulled out, Alexander whined at the lack of something in his muscle rings.

The door opened,and James came in. "Tommy,are you that eager to play with our princess?" "Jemmy! I was about to punish Lexi for distracting me,would you like to join in?" James walked towards Alex, who was on the floor on all fours,with Thomas' member prodding his tight hole. James kissed Alex,and then hastily pulled down his pants,revealing an errect member,although not as big as Thomas. "Suck." He commanded. Alex was all too happy to obey, enclosing his mouth against James' member while his ass was ravished by Thomas.

Alexander loved these two people. They were both the dominants,and he was the submissive,so when they both came in they came in hard. He knew Thomas would render him unable to sit properly for a week just because he distracted him,and although he would complain about it,he couldn't be mad at Thomas.

His thoughts were interrupted as a particularly rough hip roll from Thomas sent him into bliss,and his hole was soon filled up with Thomas' seed,with James finishing soon after. "Thank you daddy and papa for my punishment." he managed to whimper out.

^ mon jouet- my toy

I need to work on how shitty my smut is and how fucking long it is. thomas is daddy and james is papa,unironically.
it's hilarious how i have homework and yet i wrote this instead fml.
(690 words)

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