Melancholy [Jamilton]

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yeap, a n g s t.
i wanna write the angstiest of angst that has ever graced your eyes.
warning- major character death and the consequences. VERY descriptive. some fourth wall breaking.
soulmate au,agents au.

The mission was supposed to be easy. Thomas and Alexander conducting a simple drug bust. The two soulmates,and husbands,with red string connecting them,were inseparable. and their job required them to be too. A match made in heaven,essentially.

The first part of the mission went well. they had gone through many missions like this beforehand,and Thomas was left to wonder, what had gone wrong? Alexander was always so reckless,yet so refined,and he was rather the careful asshole.

He could still vividly remember what happened.
They were in that abandoned warehouse,which was very musty,there was water damage on the beams and floor,there was that scent of mildew,a pitch black darkness engulfing the warehouse completely and the military grade flashlight cutting through the darkness,a harsh beam of light trained onto the floor with shadows bouncing everywhere ,and he'd split up with Alexander to find the drug stocks.

His fatal mistake.

The silence of the warehouse was broken abruptly when a gunshot sounded and a strangled,yet high-pitched scream tore through the darkness of the night,a cry with such desperation and a lingering touch of melancholy. Thomas heard it. He recognised it. Alexander.

He turned around in a heartbeat. Time seemed to move in slow motion. He was vaguely aware he tripped a few times,but before long,he found himself in a dark hallway. All he could feel was a pool of dread in his belly,and only one thing mattered,or more specifically,only Alexander mattered.

another scream. that door.

In his haste,Thomas hadn't noticed the usually crimson red string connecting him to Alexander turning into more of a mahogany colour.

Your string only darkened when something happened to your partner.

Alexander was dying.

In a flurry of movement, Thomas kicked open the door,not caring if guns were trained at him,or if any beast came at him. Alexander was hurt,and/or dying,and he didn't want to believe that.

His worst fears were confirmed.

Alexander laid on the concrete floor of the warehouse,a knife protruding out of his chest,scarlet blood spurting out of the stab wound and more where a bullet pierced through his abdomen. His usually pristine suit,now rumpled and stained with what used to be in his veins,which his husband had once traced and whispered sweet nothings to it.

Thomas saw the shadows looming over him,his Alexander,and he pulled out his gun. The walls of the warehouse were now painted with scarlet blood,the very same thing leaking out of of his lover,yet Alexander's was more important to him.

He dropped to his knees in front of his soulmate,trying to staunch the flow of blood.

"you idiot. don't you dare die on me right now."

"Thomas,my love,it's too late. stay alive for me,wontcha?" Alexander slurred. He never did that. Thomas' heart broke.

In a final burst of strength, Alexander had kissed him one last time,took out his own wedding ring and placed it on his husband's finger.

The string turned black. Alexander went limp in Thomas' arms.

Thomas had never felt heartbreak until he felt Alexander go limp in his arms,their fingers intertwined,the string tangled,breathes intermingled. The agony of seeing your love of your life die,with you being helpless to stop it.
Thomas screamed and sobbed,letting his usually controlled calm demeanour shatter.

Grief overtook him,swallowing him whole. He wasn't aware what happened,but looking back,he was glad Lafayette had the great idea to place a communicator in his pocket that day. He would've been murdered as along with Alexander,not that he would've minded,but Alexander told him to stay alive. And so he would. Anything for Alexander.

Life goes on for Thomas,albeit with less enthusiasm and less sparks. Almost every moment he felt the loss of Alexander. Sleep would never claim him,and he felt the sting of the cuts whenever he had to shower. He'd kept Alexander's wedding band strung onto a necklace which he refused to part with. He wore his own and never took it off.

He'd rather be dead. He was approaching his 81st birthday in a day,and he felt like death. dammed cold(or so he thought,he wasn't as mobile as his younger days,walking to the doctor was like running a marathon).

He had kept his promise to Alexander. Thomas' once hickory curls had turned into more of silvery grey,his brilliantly coffee coloured eyes turning into a dull umber. The wedding bands were worn and weathered,yet they still held the golden sheen upon inspection. The ex-assassin had never loved again,moved into a small apartment and lived out his remaining days in the comfort of the outskirts of New York. James would sometimes come along, the former never having a soulmate.

as he laid in his bed,he closed his eyes one last time.

he'd see alexander again soon. it was only a matter of time.

so that was very angsty. sorry if the ending was rushed,im tired its 4:45 am.
for ty. I wanted to make her cry.
okay bye imma go sleep or read something else.
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