appreciation note !!

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today's the 29th of december, 2020. it is currently 9:33 am as I am writing this. (no, i have not slept at all.) yeah, so. this is it, then. I've been through so much this past year, so many things happened, and now? the year is ending.

i went through the last coupla chapters real quick there, went on a whizz, and now i can say I'm extremely tired— sorry i meant relieved.

before i give thanks, I'll say it again. i write not for the sake of clout. i write because i have genuine ideas to share with the world, or lessons i feel some might benefit in to go on through life. if you ask me, helping to change someone's life is the sweetest reward. i don't care about fame. i just hope to be of entertainment and maybe hopefully make someone's day better. that is, the power of writing. you share you thoughts and opinions. and sometimes? the world might be a bit better with one of your ideas.


first of all, my two lovelies, who've supported me throughout the journey!

shellebrity //jelluo and Tiaramisusoup !!
thank you so much babes for enabling my bullshit. you have my appreciation that this is finally ending!  i love both of you so much i could cry. thank you. for being here all throughout.

to my silent readers! thank you for giving me hope in numbers. I genuinely couldn't make it through the last 10 chapters and seeing the numbers really encouraged me to the end. it's okay if you didn't comment, if you didn't vote. i still love you.

to the readers who've voted, commented and dealt with my emotional ass! thanks :) you're the light in my darker times (that i hope I have passed.)

to the hamilton fandom in general. thanks for accepting me. I'm now a different person after being plunged into the world of fandom, and that's terrifying and relieving at the same time. couldn't have chosen a better fandom to start.

it's been a long journey here. i thank all of you sincerely for joining my whim in circuit breaker and then seeing it through. truly. this is something I'll miss, but I'm gonna take a hiatus from writing in general and I'm leaving wattpad forever.  this book will still be here, but hey? please note that whatever you're going through, I hope you'll find there's more than pain in life.

thanks again.

i love you, so goddamn much.

- walnut :)

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