Broken stars (pt 2) [Jamilton]

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Content warning- Bullying,Necrophilia(lams), mentions of insanity, drugs,basically same warnings as last time. (this is also a very long chapter)
[Thomas' POV/ Third-Person POV]
Thomas could not remember when the pale woman first appeared. It was his sixth birthday, or maybe even earlier. He had been sleeping and opened his eyes at midnight.
There was a woman sitting at the head of the bed. Her skin was so pale that it looked uncanny, a radiant object in the darkness—a star.
He spoke to the pale woman,without fear,suprisingly. He was not afraid of her at all.

"You're so pale. Are you glowing?"
"Not me. It's starlight. Quick, ask me who I am."
"Who are you?"
"I'm your mother."
"My mother is dead. You're mad."
"I am mad." The pale woman covered her mouth and giggled.
They would continue to talk again, about school and happenings in life,and sometimes she would offer an observation of the stars. She taught  him all about the stars.
"Listen carefully,you can tell who's talking by the tone. To understand what they're saying you have to interpret the words as well as the tones. The stars sometimes prefer to sing." The pale woman said in reverence of the stars.

Thomas heard nothing.
The stars could not talk.
What did it matter? The stars disappeared during the day, like dreams.
-flashback ends-

Thomas never imagined that he would one day believe the words of the deranged woman. However,that morning,he did take a different route.The bus was crowded,it was rush hour. Thomas got one foot onto the bus but couldn't find any more space to move up. Just as he was hesitating, a hand reached out and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him onto the bus forcefully.
In the dense crowd of passengers, he recognized Alexander Hamilton's cold face.
He didn't look like someone who would have helped him onto the bus.
It shouldn't be like this. They were too close together. Thomas had no choice but to look into that expressionless face. His eyes were chocolate brown; irresistibly sugary.
Don't fall into those eyes.

The bus slowed down as it approached the school, but Alexander Hamilton didn't move. He didn't show any signs of wanting to leave.
The doors opened and closed. "You're going be late." He hadn't noticed Alexander standing next to him. The campus flew past. Something was tickling at his heart. "Now you're really going to be late." Alexander was almost smiling.

They rode the bus to the terminal stop, where they got on another bus heading back. They sat in two separate rows, one behind the other. They didn't look at each other or talk.
As they approached the school again, Alexander leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "What classes do you have in the morning?"
Things that seem crazy happened because they were fated to happen.
Thomas looked at Alexander,eyes searching.
The bus stopped; the doors opened; the doors closed. Neither of them moved.

It was already eight thirty.

-timeskip because cheese and mac-

Noon rolled around and Thomas was going to the cafeteria to grab a bite but was stopped by the discipline master. He wasn't worried because he thought it was about skipping class. But he was wrong. The moment he was freed,he took James to a remote corner of the cafeteria. James confessed before he even asked the question.

"That's right. I told them about you taking the exam for John because it's the truth."
"They must have asked you for proof."
"Yes ..." James seemed to realize the problem and fell silent.
"And so you told them that I could confirm your story, that I took the mock exam for John in all four subjects." "I told him John's marks were his own." James was livid. He asked why I'd help John. I said I didn't and that he just saw me pick up his paper and give it to him. Then I told him that I wouldn't equivocate on that.

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