Sugar darlin' [Jamilton]

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content warning-smutty smut with a capital S. (angsty porn,actually)
written over the span of a month.(because I'm an idiot who has literally no time to do anything because exams.)
........yes this is an excuse to write shameless porn. I'm not afraid to say that.

Alexander lay there,with his cheeks pressed into the pulled-taut sheets,and his body manhandled into a spread-eagle position,bound tightly to the special hooks this bed was made for. Thomas had shoved a gag into his mouth and a plug for him to sit on. He was on his belly,face pressed into the lush pillows and cock absolutely dripping with precum. The man could be totally ruined by Thomas and for Thomas in a matter of seconds. He could not see Thomas,that is,he was lurking,hovering in the room,a dominating presence that was left unchecked to further compliment Alexander's own submissive aura.

Alexander was Thomas' sugar baby. In an unforeseen turn of circumstances or possibly fate,the man Thomas had been secretly wanting and admiring for four years,had happened to meet with him on a website where the less fortunate could meet with the more fortunate and a deal was exchanged between the two parties,namely in exchange for money,favours would be given,or in essence,a sugar daddy website. (we shall not question why the both of them were on that website okay on to the smut you dirty sinners.)

⚠️smut smut smut ⚠️

Alexander laid there,feeling full,yet empty with the plug,which was designed for maximum stretch and minimum satisfaction. Thomas was nowhere to be seen,seeing as Alexander was facing the rosewood headboard,intricately carved with the scene of a thousand roses. He could still feel the presence of Thomas and his cologne,a musty smell of dominance. The air was filled with tension,Alexander awaiting Thomas' next move.

crack! went the bullwhip down his ass,a scarlet line of punishment that seared his entire being. Alexander could only whimper through the gag,the stinging pain fading into a dull pain. His member couldn't get any harder, and he could feel the heat of arousal pooling in his groins. Thomas had kept his promise,he was going to wreck Alexander.

After a series of accurate strikes with the bullwhip and his behind now a sea of raging scarlet and maroon,Thomas proceeded to loosen the chains and remove the plug that left him whining due to the emptiness inside him.

Thomas flipped him over,and then sheath himself in Alexander's enticing warm hole. He was evidently just as impatient as Alexander for friction,and yet,there's a softness to how he looks at Alexander and waits for him to adjust to his size.

Gripping Alexander's hips with vigour,he started a punishing pace,long,deep strokes that'd make Alexander scream if he didn't have a gag in his mouth. Thomas certainly knew his way to Alexander's prostate by now and so he decided to hit home with every thrust,prompting his sub to positively melt under him,increasingly pliant.

Suddenly,the body underneath Thomas tensed,signalling he was about to cum. Thomas grabbed ahold of Alexander's member,and started stroking,inciting more shudders from the smaller man,and then his breath hitched,and a violent shudder happened and he cummed,tightening around Thomas and painting his own grey bedsheets with white ribbons. The intense pressure of his orgasm sent Thomas into bliss,filling Alexander up with his seed.

He pulled out slowly and got of the bed to get a rag,cleaning himself up briskly and then wiping the man on the bed that he wanted oh so desperately to be his with the utmost care. Alexander was minutes away from sleeping,and yet he grabbed onto Thomas' forearm as he was attempting to leave,looked at him with those large brown doe eyes,the desperation in them in measurable,as he pleaded Thomas to stay,and then he knocked out.

The sight brought tears to his eyes. How he wished he could stay. But,he had to remind himself,Alexander wasn't his to begin with. This was a financial arrangement after all. He pressed a wad of cash onto Alexander's open palm,and with his heart hammering,he pressed his lips to Alexander's,eliciting the smaller man to sigh.

Thomas left the apartment,although he wished he could stay.

The porch that Alexander tended to daily had tan hua's blooming,the white petals appearing almost shimmery in the moonlight. it was said that witnessing tan hua's blooming was very auspicious,and Thomas felt it was cheesy,but he made a wish that Alexander would be his one day.

(hello! i know i said it's a porn without plot but I couldn't resist adding angst.

yes,tan hua is a real flower(not that rare) but it is considered good luck to see it bloom. the more you know.

bye for now!)

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