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lmao i had to do research on cappuccinos because I'm a coke and tea person-
no content warnings (college au)

[alexdre pov]
I was exhausted. Staying up all night so I could be two months ahead of the syllabus was probably worth it? I'd just be very tired sooner or later and well burnouts are not the best sensation I could handle it. I had been accepted into King's only because of a full scholarship and I wasn't about to
throw away my shot(oh haha I'm so funny). Two months ahead of the syllabus. I should just allow myself to get out of my dorm to the local Starbucks to get myself some coffee that I didn't make myself,I make average coffee but Starbucks had more options and I was kinda bummed drinking espressos at 2am. To Starbucks it is,then. Before I went to Starbucks,I went to Thomas' room to see if he wanted anything. To my suprise, my boyfriend was awake and even better he was shirtless. This wasn't the first time I saw him like this,but my cheeks flushed red. He turned around and saw me.

[train pov]
I was doing my morning stretches when I heard the door open. I turned around to see my love and his cheeks flushed red. I smirked. Still the same person,although he's been cooped up more in his room doing essays even if he was two months ahead. I picked him up effortlessly,and drawled,"Like what you see,Hamilton?" He replied huskily,"Back to last names I see,Jefferson? In that case, I'd say thoroughly." I smashed our lips together. We pulled apart for air and I asked him why he was looking at me. He blushed furiously and asked if I wanted to go Starbucks with him,and then proceeded to pass out. I sighed. He overworked himself. I carried him bridal style to our bed and went out to Starbucks to buy him his coffee. I'd wait for him to wake up later. I knew him too well. Lexi always did things over the top.

-time skip brought to you by extended circuit breaker-
(singaporeans know what I'm talking about)

I was home from Starbucks and Lex was looking cuter then ever,with his hair askew and sleeping soundly. I put the coffee in the fridge and proceeded to cuddle him,he looked too cute not to. I was glad he was burned out in a weird way,we haven't slept like this in so long and in the first place I didn't think he slept at all.

I woke up to see Lexi still asleep in my arms and I was glad he was still sleeping. He needed rest. although he was so cute though my gosh this man will be the death of me. He smirked suddenly. Gosh, did I say that out loud oh whatever it's true. He sat up and blushed. "You said that all out loud,ya dork. My dork." I then smirked and carried him bridal style to the couch and pulled out the cappuccinos from the fridge(they were cold in the first place so-)and I gave one to him.

We ended up cuddling and watching Disney for the rest of the day. It was one of the better days we had. The movie we were currently watching finished,and I look over at him with his eyes closed and empty cup in hand. I smile. My Alex.

woo,a oneshot where fluff is involved finally
(595 words boi)

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