He's a prick,but he's my prick [Jamilton]

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20/10 titles am i right fellas
college au,soulmate au(whatever you do to your arms your soulmate can see and feel it)
content warning- CONSTANT FOURTH WALL BREAKING and fluff :) I'm not writing heavy angst just because im sad because I don't think anyone likes seeing our cinnamon rolls suffer.

kinda a crackhead chapter? y'all need humour in these dark times man.(i can assure you i put effort into this oneshot like all my other oneshots)

[hello, dear reader,this oneshot is FUCKING SATIRE. it's just me poking fun at most of the cliche Jamilton stories. If you feel offended by this please click away. I'm not targeting anyone or any group,I just want to make fun of it.]

[alexdre POV]
It's the first day of college. The place where you're constantly broke,your roommates are either drunk or high,and frat parties are common. Also commonly where you lose your virginity and starbucks are your haven. Ah yes,the classic american college experience. Doesn't it sound lovely? I'm going there now.
(oh shit i broke the fourth wall)

I was lucky enough to go to the same college as the hamilsquad and my soulmate, but I sincerely hoped I was dormmates with one of them,wouldn't want to dorm with crappy people like Aaron Burr or much worse,Thomas Jefferson,am I right? Those two hate my guts so much they'd punch me until I threw up. Ah yes,I absolutely adore them,so much so that I'd rather stick my dominant hand into a meat grinder.

Grabbing the key from the front desk was an experience. Guess who I bumped into? You heard that right,nobody else than the countertop,that is. My stomach is still smarting. Why'd they put a countertop in the most random place ever?  Exactly my point. I have no idea too.

My dorm number was 420-69,so naturally,me being very mature,I showed it to Laurens who literally guffawed and spasmed on the tiled floor until one of the faculty members told us to stop being a "public disturbance". How rude. I later discovered that I didn't dorm with anyone in the hamilsquad,so isn't that lovely? More chances to room with assholes,what a delight.

Walking into the dorm was possibly my worst decision ever. Guess who? That's right! you're reading a Jamilton fanfiction so obviously it's none other than the one asshole with a stick up his ass,or shall I say a macaroni up his ass,yup,it's Thomas Jefferson. Cue the fucking confetti,bitches. He wasn't pleased to see me either,it was a mutual feeling.

"Ah,the man of the hour,and my new dormmate. If it isn't Alexander Hamilton. May I suggest you get the fuck outta my face?" He drawled,with that ridiculously charming Southern accent that I wanted to drown in.
"Flattered,Jefferson. I'm not going to take your suggestion,because you know,this IS my dorm too,you know that right,darlin'?" I mocked his accent,before hightailing it out of there.

What are the fucking chances you room with someone who's your crush,your bully,your enemy,and your past acquaintance? He'd already done enough damage,to my arms and almost everywhere. Judging by how he reacted to my arrival, he hadn't changed since we graduated in high school. I was lucky he didn't sock me in the stomach.

Reaching into my bag,I found the emerald sash. Martha had made sure to yeet all my razor blades away but she didn't know about my friends here. I'm not particularly proud of them but they sure did calm my anxiety. Sure,so did my soulmate,I was so guilty that he could see what I did to my arms and he would bleed too,but he wasn't with me now. I couldn't do anything to stop the oncoming barrage of panic,and in the heat of the situation,I made the first slice into an already healing scar on my left arm,tearing the skin open. The sting and the pain calmed me down,but I continued. Almost into my sixth cut,I felt a weird tingling sensation. Magenta ink appeared on my arm,slowly but surely.

darlin' are you feeling alright? you're cutting again,please don't do that. you worry me,are you ok?

No babe,I'm fine. It turns out my roommate is my enemy. I just stressed out at the sight of him.

You can talk to me anytime you know that right? I love you for who you are,don't cut yourself please.

love you too,I'll try not to.

I sighed and placed the pen down. I had to meet the squad for dinner anyway.It wasn't like Jefferson would mind me,in fact he'd think I'd be doing him a favour.

Walking out of my room a few hours later after changing and settling down,I saw Jefferson sitting on the couch,asleep. His left arm was covered in a towel. there were blood stains,as well as hints of magenta and emerald ink on the towel. could it be?

Could the guy I had a massive crush on forever be my soulmate? Could Thomas Jefferson be my soulmate?

I guess I'll have to confront him tomorrow.

[timeskip to the next day brought to you by author drinking coke and tea at the same time(im sooo asian)]

I walked out of my room the next morning. Jefferson was probably in the kitchen doing who knows what because I could smell something cooking. I walked up to him and beckoned him to follow me. Surprisingly enough,he turned off the gas and followed me into the living room without a complaint. I sat him down on the couch,and I took out my pen and drew a heart on my arm.

his arm had an emerald green heart too.

we were...soulmates.
oh my god.

At this realisation,our faces flushed a deep maroon and I sat down next to Jeff-Thomas. He stared at the lines on his arms and mine,and then he pulled me into a kiss. I yelped,not expecting that and his lips were so soft. I melted positively under him. That kiss was an apology and a confession. I accepted it. He seemed to know that too.

As we pulled away,he smiled and pulled me onto his lap so I was basically straddling him.
"Hello,soulmate. I love you. Always have. My deepest apologies for all my stupid actions." his spoke softly.
"I forgive you,you're a prick,but you're my prick now." he blushed at that sentence as we kissed again and I sighed softly. Afterwards we proceeded to eat breakfast less awkwardly and then he yeeted me onto his bed and we cuddled,all with my consent,of course. He was so soft to me. I loved him.


{ hamilsquat chat :) }

hamsandwich- I have a soulmate. it's thomas fucking jefferson
aNd pEgGy-damn,do you like him?
womeninthesequel- my deepest condolences
gay turtles-i agree with angelica
watchinitburn-same here
horsesovercorsets- well i fucking-
baguette-i ship it :3 (mood,lafayette)
hamsandwich-shut up. He's a prick,but he's my prick.

hello i fucking died writing this chapter lmao might be the oneshot i love the most :3

lol do y'all want more of this cos i do i liked writing this a lot.

bye,you lovely pomegranates. this is a long one. please appreciate it I'm going back to school real soon,help.
[1275 words]

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