White chrysanthemums [Jamilton]

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boy you have no idea how long it took to get the title correct- i was drinking chrysanthemum tea in a packet and i was like why not use this as a oneshot idea
this isn't really an asian oneshot,although chrysanthemums are very common here.

Content warning-big sad,but there's a happy ending

meaning behind the flower,more specifically,the white variant- a white chrysanthemum is a symbol of loyalty and devoted love.

It was wishful thinking to think that Alexander,his Alexander,would be fine soon. He wasn't sure how long his lover would take,but he was willing to wait for it. He wasn't someone used to waiting,but he would do absolutely anything for Alexander.

Speaking of the man himself, Thomas went out into the patio. Alexander was sitting there,staring blankly at the white field below him,unmoving,unresponsive,even to his lover.  This wasn't his Lexi. He wasn't here anymore. The fiery man he had loved was replaced with this...shell of a person,who never talked and had no sparks in his eyes.

And Thomas hugged him softly from behind,whispering that lunch was ready and carrying him with absolute gentleness. Days were uneventful,and Thomas was in constant melancholy over his lover. He was gone.

But he remembered the promise his Lexi gave him. He'd always be there with him. And while it seemed that Alexander was unresponsive,he'd seen him swallow the things he'd spoonfed him. His Lexi was still there,somewhere,he'd just have to wait. He would come back to him,one day.

Thomas wasn't so sure anymore. It'd been two years since Burr broke Alexander. Thomas had made sure Burr hung for his actions,but it was too late for Alexander. He still could walk and eat,but the rest was done by Thomas. He'd been unmoving and serene,just sitting on the rocking chair in the patio or other places where there were rocking chairs,hands on his lap,gently rocking,his rosary against him clacking with a monotonous rhythm. Sometimes he would be In Thomas' lap or side,if Thomas was sitting in a rocking chair. It was both heartbreaking and poetic.

Today was uneventful. It was a warm July day and Thomas was seated in one of the chairs,gently rocking the both of them,playing with Alexander's silky hair. The clacking of Alexander's rosary was lulling him to sleep,and he let the darkness and warmth that Alexander promised pull him into the endlessly dark abyss where thoughts and his melancholy was forgotten,momentarily.

It was late afternoon when he woke up. The sun was beginning to set. The male desperately clung on to his sleepiness,but he could feel it slipping. He opened his eyes and sat up. There was a small weight on his head,and he groped at the top of his head,only to find a flower crown made of chrysanthemums. Alexander wasn't on his lap. Could it be?....

He searched the house for his lover,softly calling out his name. As he walked onto the patio,his heart did a double take.

Alexander was in the garden of chrysanthemums he'd planted for him a few months ago,his hair in a neat French braid,an identical flower crown like his own,atop his head.

And as caramel eyes met raven eyes,Thomas could see the sparkle in his eyes. He walked cautiously towards him,unsure if this was a dream or his mind playing tricks on him. "Allie?..." he questioned,wanting it to be true. He didn't want to suffer on this earth without his Allie.


And as warm,sun kissed lips touched his own, tears rolled down his face. Their mouths were in sync with each other,both of them silently sighing and sobbing. Thomas knew who this was. He was back. His Alexander was back,with all the fire and love he'd promised to him,with the evidence in the two golden bands on their hands. The emotion overwhelmed him,but he wasn't worried of being vulnerable with Alexander. He picked his lover up,and spun him around,once,twice,Alexander's legs wrapping around him on instinct.

"Allie...you're back."
"Of course,I'd never leave you truly."

White chrysanthemums fluttered in the wind around the two lovers,eventually.

i liked writing this.
also tongue by maribou state is a nice song.
i have yet to still finish my homework,fml me sial
(800 words)

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