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indirectly the sequel to Unrequited.

content warning-uh,it's just fluff but they're very old and they die in this fic.unedited.

"promise you'll never leave me?"

"oh,my alexander,I'll always be with you."

Thomas had never left. He had stayed true to his words. He never left Alexander,even with all the anguish Burr caused them both,he'd let him stay.

Their story was one of mirth and melancholy. It wasn't a pretty one,but they were proud of it. Its been 65 years since they married each other,in that Camellia-filled orchard. It was a day that Alexander felt that he truly was found. Thomas was his legacy here. The retired treasury secretary and the retired president were now 85 and 86 respectively. All throughout their years,they had fought,fucked,cuddled and loved each other. And they never stopped loving each other,despite every bitter quarrel,love won. It sounded cliché,but it was true in all sense.

Alexander was snapped out of his reverie when a pair of once-strong,still warm and hearty arms wrapped around him. He was in Monticello,the place that they had decided to retire to 5 years ago,and Thomas' home in Virginia. It was in a sense,part of his legacy too. Thomas whispered in his ear and said,"darlin' it's 8pm and it's already cold,let's get to bed." He nodded his approval,and let Thomas lead them to their shared bed. There were two books waiting for the both of them. They read in each other's embrace,like it was meant to be. Life was peaceful for the lovers.

slowly,their hearts stopped beating. It was time to go to a better world. Monticello held their legacy.

ok so the ending is a bit morbid but like-.

I wasn't kidding when i said i was really busy the whole week. I'm so sorry I don't really upload a lot right now because hbl will kill me and like I can't homework so-

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