Discourse on Decadence [Jamilton]

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here's a fic I've longed to write but I've waited for so long— or the "I'm glad you survived us now let's fuck" kinda poem. yes, I've reverted to poems. i need help. (and sleep) i have no inspiration at all lmaooo. fear not, this is the last individual poem you'll ever see from me.

as with all my poems, this sucks. I don't like it.

summer came like sugar honey iced tea, so sweet,
maybe sometimes, we got things wrong,
but it's alright,
we've really never been the best at this,
wouldn't you agree?

who would've known
that was the last time I'd see you in four years?
life could've thrown me off the deep end,
and I don't think you could
give me a reason to not throw me off the deep end
pardon my fake tits and makeup,
I don't think this was part of the agreement at all.

an autumnal equinox, were you there with me?
we're the driftwood in the sea,
but while I desperately cling to you,
you drift further away like a daydream.

it's a mind-numbingly cold winter.
we no longer see each other.
what happened to your promise of a spark?
are you drunk enough? have you excused me
for another warm body?
is this what has become of us?

I make promises, I can even do golden rings,
but I'll give you everything no matter what,
but you've already forfeited that, haven't you?
I need someone who won't break me again,
are you really going to question me here?

在给我一 点时间, 好让我回到家吧。
你准备好了吗? 你会再选择我吗?



- 爱,亚历山大。

roughly translated(because chinese can never be translated to english straightforwardly) :

i never really thought how i could be that ugly
just give me some more time, let me go home
we'll meet in the center of the street once again,
like last time.
are you ready? will you choose me again?
in the sea of life, we're the destiny within
please, won't you pity me?
give us another chance.
even if i know I'll only get hurt i still love you
aren't i such an obedient dog?
bring me back to that summer breeze
because even if it's the last time,
at least you truly loved me for that short while.

I wonder where your heart came from.
three years of pain,
seven year itch,
ten years promise.

- love, alexander(his name is roughly translated as that in chinese)

if you're interested go check out the seven year itch. it's a sorta phenomenon. anyways bye i have one more fic to go and then it's devotion wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

[560 words]

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