Sorrows against infidelity [Jamilton]

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haha angst go brrr// tw:nothing great at all happens it's angsty and alex attempts suicide. if you wanna talk my dms are open!! <3

"tell me why,when i was so good to you,you decided to have a fucking affair! alexander,am i never good enough for you? tell me this was a mistake..."


"DON'T 'THOMAS' ME,hamilton. you never were satisfied. i should've listened to angelica. god..."

"get out of the fucking house,hamilton. i don't want to see your face right now. go to that woman's house and never come back. you don't get to call me 'thomas',you don't get to do anything with me that suggests intimacy because you've broken our wedding vows,and slept in another bed that wasn't our—mine. get out before i call angelica. you've done enough damage,for your own gain. god,i hope you're satisfied."

alexander's diary—
it's been a month since thomas found me out. he won't even look at me anymore when we meet outside,and with interactions that are necessary he speaks only when necessary and in a strained voice without that charming southern drawl i've grown to miss. it's my fault essentially. maria was a temptation. yes,i loved thomas, and i still do,but i did the deed,didn't i? god,I'm so stupid. to see that thomas would handle my every whims and desires and yet i still gave into another person. i wish i wasn't this broken,i miss him so much. it should be known that he hasn't asked for a divorce,and we're still bound in the eyes of the law. that gives me hope.

(some grocery lists,like coffee,canned tuna,and razors,although that's been scribbled out harshly with a almost too cheery, "don't need it anymore!")

another entry:
it's been a while. I haven't gotten out of bed,I'm feeling the searing gap of melancholy,and even if my bedsheets are warm because I've never left the bed in two weeks(and with that extension i have not taken a shower in 2 weeks) and yet i still tell myself everything is fine. maria once told me that this was not going to end well. guess she's right,huh? i ran out of prozac a few days ago,and now i can't miss the thoughts in my head. thomas is gone,isn't he? I've never felt this low in a long time,because he would take care of me when I couldn't.

thomas sighed. there were suspicious tear marks on the book. after writing this poem,alexander would proceed to slit his wrists and leave him a call. that lead to thomas discovering alexander in a pool of blood(hint: not a fun experience) and then he'd call 911 and the rest was a blur of events. it was a year since that happened,and yet alexander had yet to awaken. he'd have to wait until then and then he could claim what was once his.

until then,he had to wait for it.

haha,wait for it am i right
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