like the birth of galaxies [Jamilton]

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been reading shit and so i present shit
yes it's another poem-ish thing fight me. not necessarily very related to jamilton because yes but it is their dynamic so (also it doesn't rhyme but fuck it I don't care)

yeah. kinda crack but not really(idk haven't written crack in awhile DONT take this too seriously) (we taking that alex/thomas one of them has blue eyes (irl alex has violet eyes go away) yes it changes perspective weirdly but dang I already said this was not a proper fic

eyes blue,like the Atlantic
and i'm going down,like the titantic.
days gone,past forgotten,
rain falls down like ice sheets
like the turbulent seas i see in your eyes
is it a question we met in the rain?

winds down,like winding typhoons
and i fall for you,like a boat caught in the ravages
days past,never forgotten
were you simply the ravaging sea
and I, the small boat caught forever
in your icy embrace?

boats sway,shorelines rise,
a little boat floats above all,
the favour of the seas caught in the sails.
a day where one can finally see the embrace
but the ravages persist.
will the boat survive with the favours?

essence of the sea,
calling out to the hearts of the sails,
heart of the sea,
never one to be forgotten by the tales of time.

and still, there will always be one boat
holding the heart of the sea,
illuminating all uncertainties,
as if a prayer was sent to the heavens.

above all,violet-blue eyes shine,
like the birth of galaxies,
hoped to never be forgotten.

short n sweet :) dunno wanted to do something with eyes. this is a filler chapter of sorts,because one of the next few will be very heavy.

i have no explanation for what I created.
[313 words]

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