a little tenderness for the road [Jamilton]

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some fluff since I've been torturing y'all w so much angst. (hehe)

mild mentions of sexytimes

life's been better with thomas around, but he would never tell the virginian that. even with their rocky history together, they've somehow managed to make this new development in their relationship work, and it didn't hurt to say that waking up to someone encasing him in warmth and a aura that radiated safeness and stability was very welcome. in the rocky sea of alexander's emotions, thomas was always his anchor, the one to stop him when he was overthinking everything.

but today, he woke up to cold sheets and an emptiness that surmised that the other wasn't in bed. his anxieties were calmed when he heard soft singing coming from the vague direction of the kitchen in their shared apartment.

he walked, okay, walked was an overestimation, he shuffled to the kitchen, and he heard the sizzling and some singing, meaning thomas was cooking.

"boy, I'm tryna meet your mama on a sunday,
then make a lotta love on monday,
never need no one else,babe, 'cause I'll be switchin' the positions for you,
cookin' in the kitchen and i'm in the bedroom,
I'm in the olympics, way I'm jumping through hoops,
know my love infinite,nothing I wouldn't do
that I wouldn't do, switching for you—

alexander how long have you been standing there?"

he snapped out of his reverie, looking at the taller man with a blank look.


nevermind, breakfast's ready!"

wait,why was he cooking breakfast for him again? did thomas hit his head somewhere? and when thomas serves him a pancake stack topped off with such a liberal amount of cream that it's bound to be illegal, and some bacon and eggs,scrambled the way he likes it, alexander feels as if the world was really trying to bamboozle him.

"happy anniversary, darlin'."

oh. OH.

he looked to the calendar, confirming that it is, indeed, their anniversary. april 20th. right. how could he have forgotten? he looks over to thomas, who seemed to have sensed his hesitation, and his eagerness seemed to have died down. alexander hates it when he dampens the taller man's mood.

"well, let's eat! after that, you can do whatever you want with me."

they spent the day together, watching netflix, cuddling, and not once did they leave their house.

when thomas pushes alexander down onto the- no, their bed, he interwines his hand with Alexander's, and the cold metal bands clacking together seems like an affirmation from the world that yes, indeed, this was the man he was meant to be with. he stares at the sight before him. spit-slicked lips, rosewood hair spread out in an uncoordinated motion...

"why're you looking at me like that?"

"why can't I enjoy the view of my husband?"

"YOU'VE SEEN THIS SO MANY TIMES." alexander is turning maroon.

"well darlin', it doesn't hurt to tell you that I'm always going to want you around."

and sucking the soul out of Alexander seemed not an appropriate reaction, but alexander lying there with such a blissed out expression really cements the fact.

and when thomas hugs alexander harder, cherishing the tenderness, alexander only asks him sleepily if something is wrong.

"no, i just love you so much, that's all."

"oh, is that so? i love you too."

I don't think there's a need for a end note, but y'all gotta read my later chapters stop reading i hope that you burn seriously that shit alone got 1k reads read my other ones that was a really cringy oneshot sequel.

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