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fluff to make my best friend feel better part 1
content warning-strictly fluff. :3

It wasn't a question as to whether or not he hated Jefferson and his politics.But as he sat on the grass,his hands intertwined with the man himself,on the beautiful lawns of Monticello, both drunk on sherry and each other while not admitting they liked each other,Alexander began to think he only hated the latter.

The next few days would be a blur,he would find out not from Thomas but his phone that he liked him considerably,that Thomas would lock his door and his heart away,Lafayette came and had to pry Thomas out of his room,and to convince Alexander to pursue the heart that was rightfully his that Lafayette had broken a long time ago. Alexander wanted Thomas,and he knew sure as hell Thomas wanted him real bad. (So what did he do? find out next episode on dragon ball z- i mean onto the story)

He wrote. and wrote emails til Thomas stormed out onto the Monticello lawns,nearing what would be their sacred poplar tree.

"What the fuck,you little shit! I'm saying I want you off my property. You came here without warning,you pilfered my groceries,you wormed your way into the hearths of Monticello and you made me feel ridiculous. Get off my property, Alexander."

"No,Thomas. I will sit here and keep emailing you under your motherfucking poplar tree,maybe I'll build a little treehouse with wifi,until you know it's true. I know what went wrong with Lafayette. I know your word that you keep abiding to."

"well,what is it?" Thomas positively seethed.

Hamilton,without missing a beat,said,"Alexander."

Thomas shook his head in disbelief,"you pompous bastard,you think my word is... your... name."

Alexander waited,like Thomas had taught him to.
He recounted all of their reasons why they'd work, their past and why Lafayette didn't work because they grew distant over time.

Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night
Remember how the stars stole the night away

"Thomas,you cannot tell me to not love you,because as you yourself say,we've already been in love. It sucks,but I want to be there with you. Say my name and tell me it isn't your word."

and then there he waited,for Thomas. He would only wait for Thomas. Patience was never one of his virtues,but he'd make it work for the man who'd shown him how to pause.

It was only all the more sweeter when Thomas finally parted lips and,as if it was a prayer to the Monticello lawns,whispered,"Alexander."

and,well, it's easy. Thomas drops his arms from his chest, finally freeing both of them in one motion of his body, and sweeps forward,to push Alexander right up against the trunk of their sacred poplar and have him, mouth to mouth and chest to chest. and when Thomas kisses him,Alexander's knees are weak,with a mix of emotion,lust,desire,and possibly something deeper. They reach into the depths of his heart and soul,warming the depths of him into something else entirely new,but not unwelcome.

Alexander is hot under Thomas' grip, pinned beneath the expanse of his body, and the cool trunk of the poplar at his back does nothing to relieve his feverish nerves as they sing for Thomas, sing for this and beg in the press of his body forward, the lewd moan that slips out from his lips even as Thomas keeps kissing around it. "Thomas," he whimpers and really says it this time, quick into the space between beats.

"Don't you dare," Thomas tells him with a growl, "break my heart."

My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love
Remember how we knew love was here to stay
Now December found the love that we shared in September
Only blue talk and love
Remember the true love we share today

say do you remember
Ba de ya, dancing in September

(well since this is strictly fluff,I'd say they fucked. give them some)
have a nice day practice social distancing and wear your mask PROPERLY. bye,you lovely asscravats.

[785 words] owo

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