A diamond and a pearl [Jamilton]

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As you can probably tell this is gonna be a steven universe au. Major spoilers about the diamond authority,and the Episode A single pale rose. Au where a turquoise diamond exsists in place of pink diamond.
Alexander- Pearl
Thomas- Turquoise Diamond

The Great Diamond Authority.
In the eyes of the common quartz and court gems, they were perfect in every way. White Diamond,Yellow Diamond,Blue Diamond,and the littlest diamond, Turquoise Diamond,or as he was known to only his pearl,Thomas. Together,the four of them made up the highest of gem hierarchy and sought to expand the empire further.That was Era 1.

Discovered in Era 2,it was a rare phenomenon to happen. All gems had the power to fuse. There were many reasons to fuse,but the logical reason was to use the combined strength to do some work. It was unlawful for one gem species and another to fuse. It was seen as immoral. Only gems of the same species could fuse,and if two species were to fuse they would be destabilised and bubbled. Era 2 was a forboding time where fear was commonplace in everything.

Era 3 was marked when a pearl fused with a diamond,to prove a point and to tell the story of the littlest diamond behind closed doors.

[Turquoise Palanquin,third person pov]
"And then it'll be done! It's going to be easy." Thomas tried reasoning with his pearl,who he nicknamed Alexander,Alex for short. "There's got to be another way,"Alex mused sadly,looking at his diamond."maybe-" "Blue and Yellow don't care. Earth is my colony,and I love you. We can end it all,right here,right now." Thomas spoke,with a hint of affection for his pearl. "You know this is crazy right?"Alex spoke,and Thomas nodded grimly. "Your status,my purpose,none of it will matter anymore." Another nod from Thomas,with a smile evident on his face. "This will change everything." Thomas,with stars in his eyes and a huge grin,said,"I know, isn't this exciting?" His pearl stared up at him and blushed,"It is!"
"We can leave our old lives behind. If this is really my world,I want to give it to the Crystal Gems! I want to live here with human beings! I want to live here,fused with you! We'll both finally be free to love each other!" Thomas whispered,emotion lacing his voice. It was clear to Alex that his diamond loved him a lot,to give up his previous power as Turquoise Diamond. That seemed to fuel his resolve to shapeshift into a common Aqua Quartz to "shatter" Turquoise Diamond and evade Homeworld fused with his beloved to escape the place they came from into paradise. "Okay. I'm ready." Alex said,with resolve. "Alex!" Thomas cried. "I can't believe I'm going to do this," Alex said to himself. "I can't exactly shatter myself," the Diamond who was currently in the form of a Quartz said with a hint of humour. They kissed passionately one last time,before separating, for Thomas to shape back into a Diamond for the last time,finally.

Turquoise Diamond walked out the palanquin to the hibiscus field, and came back with a handful of dirt and a orange hibiscus. The Diamond kissed his pearl softly while putting the hibiscus in his love's hair,and blew into the dirt and crushing it to reveal shards of what his gem would look like if it were shattered. He showed them to Alexander,who visibly recoiled. "Convincing?" "Very much so, my Diamond." "Soon it will be just...Thomas." The Diamond swallowed the shards. His pearl took out the sword. "Wait," the Diamond said."There's one last thing I must do." "Yes?" his pearl said. "No one can ever find out we did this. I never want to look back. So,for my last order to you as a Diamond,please,let's never speak of this again." They shared one last loving kiss in each other's embrace before springing into action. The Diamond stepped outside while his pearl shapeshifted into his supposed shatterer, Aqua Quartz,and went outside too. The fateful event happened,while nobody knew that the Diamond wasn't shattered. The pearl would then proceed to go into an escape pod and launch off his Homeworld,presumably into his death. What the whole of Homeworld did not know was that that escape pod was a modified spaceship. The Diamond shortly re-emerged while the spaceship was a hour away from landing onto earth,and then fused with his pearl,into Rainbow Quartz. They would proceed to meet their friends again who knew of Rainbow Quartz. There was a Lapis Lazuli,a Peridot,a fusion of a Ruby and Sapphire,Garnet,an Amethyst,and a Bismuth. They would continue to live there in comfort,with the Diamond and the Pearl never mentioning that the Quartz in their fusion was a Diamond.
Homeworld continued to mourn for a Diamond for 6000 years.

It was now Era 4. The gem caste system was brought down, Turquoise Diamond and his pearl
were able to love freely, and they lived on earth,occasionally visiting his Diamond brethren.
Thomas and Alexander got married in Earth. They were a couple who were usually unfused,but sometimes fused. They were content with living in their beach house,with some children they adopted.
"You wish,you sexy pearl." Thomas laughed at Alex. "Oh,I do wish,but my wishes tend to come true,my diamond.~" he retorted,leaving his diamond flustered. In return,he got a bite onto his neck. "That's right,my pearl,and my pearl only." he growled. Alex blushed,and went off to homeschool,where he taught human telecommunications. Life was well for the two star crossed lovers.

cringy ass shit,they kiss a lot
Possibly one of the oneshots I like the most
written during my hiatus
word count(1010 words)

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