I hope that you burn (pt 2)[Jamilton]

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ay look it's the second part
Content warning- SMUT and maybe fluff :)

[Alex's POV]
I missed Thomas,and all of the little quirks he has that I had grown used to,I wish he had never cheated on me. I love that man with all my heart still and I'd like him to think I burnt all his letters,but I loved him too much to do that.
I was depressed again because the bed was forlorn without him. Finally,a letter came in from the mail and it was from him. I had finally given up on thinking he would apologise,but once I opened the letter, it broke my heart to see dried tear stains on the paper. It read,

I can't live without you. I regret going to bars again. I should explain. I was drunk. I know that is no excuse for that,and I know you must hate me,if you even are reading this right now. I despise myself for going to a bar when I have you at home. There is no excuse for what I've done. I threw away my shot. I forfeited you for quick drinks and sex. I imagine you must shudder at the thought of me. I would do so too. Words cannot explain how sorry I am to you. I hope you find someone else better than this repulsive man. I do have the slightest hope that you'll forgive me,but I do not blame you if you do not think the same. I hope you have a better life now without me.
Hopefully yours again one day,

I burst into tears. Thomas had cheated on me,and although that was repulsive,I simply could not find the strength to resist him anymore. We were both suffering. I still loved him after all of this. In that realisation,I forgave him in a heartbeat. I called him in seconds. 'Thomas.' Hey,' he sniffled,with that southern charm still lingering. I was heartbroken. My Tommy was crying because of regret and me. I composed myself, and said, 'Thomas,I forgive you. Come home please. This isn't a joke. I read your letter.' I hung up immediately, and waited patiently for him to come back.

[Thomas' POV] wow finally a change of pov
I stared at that doorbell for a few minutes. I loved Alex still. Taking a deep breath,I knocked. Alex opened the door. He hadn't changed at all. Still the same curly soft hair that always smelt like lavender,still the same mocha eyes,and soft plump lips I missed kissing. Alex led me inside and gave me a hug. He said,'I've missed you,Thomas.' We sat on the sofa awkwardly,and then he leaned in and closed the distance. Those soft lips were on mine again. Everything was going to be ok.


[Alex's POV]
That kiss turned into a makeout session. He bit my lip suggestively,and I moaned and let him in.I felt him harden beneath me. Our bodies moved as one,and it was pure ecstasy. We pulled apart for air. He smirked at my hot,flushed face and my swollen lip. He carried me up the bedroom bridal style,and proceeded to rid my clothes off me,and blushed when he saw I was wearing magenta lingerie. I knew he liked it. He took off my panties,and his boxers. He connected our lips again and started stretching me while I moaned into the kiss. With my consent,he pushed himself into me as he deepened the kiss. He waited for me to adjust. I pulled away from him reluctantly and whispered,'fuck me into the mattress already,Tommy.' And he started to thrust into me.'fuck,lexi,you're so tight.' And then he hit my prostate. I screamed in pleasure. 'I'm close,tommy!' he nodded,and then jackhammered me into the mattress while whispering,'let's break them bed.' I came at the same time as he did.

⚠️smut over⚠️

[ tommy's pov]
After we took a shower together,we settled into the couch. I had to carry Alex bridal style into the living room as he was very sore. We cuddled and watched the hit anime, Demon Slayer. As he fell asleep in my arms,I smiled and combed my hand through his hair. I had my lover back. 'I love you,' he whispered. 'I love you too,darlin'.' He chuckled at my southern accent slipping out. God,I love this man. I never want to go to the bar or cheat on this small,angry yet loveable man sleeping on my lap.

and then they went to church and read the bible

i really wanna get this to 800 words so

s s s s s s

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