twisting fate into your hands [Jamilton]

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my writing style is so inconsistent that it's frankly hilarious how it can be short and laced with so many hidden meanings or 1k words of debauchery. anyway have some angst with comfort. I would think that smut fits here too, like make-up sex, but i don't want to write smut. it just feels wrong to me always.

Alexander hums. "don't go too far, thomas." he says. "I'd miss you if you broke now."

Thomas lets out a hollow bark of a laugh. "you don't get to tell me what to do now, Alex." his voice is laced with such bitterness that alexander keens.

and despite the harsh words, thomas surges forward, locking their lips together, and his hand interlocking with the other. it's a sign, it's a plea, he doesn't know anymore. all he knows is that he is forgiven. it's a plea for him to not leave him again, although he was the one, ashen-faced, who told alexander to leave.

it's something thomas never really spoke about.

he's talking about the compromise in their plan, after all. the magnum opus of their work relationship, then they'd finally be stable enough to start a life together.

oh, how easy it had seemed. finally, they could make the decision they've both stressed about for so long. but it all had to go wrong, didn't it? alexander may have been the cause of the mutual falling out, but it sure as hell wasn't all his fault. thomas left him to handle that all alone, and what did he do? he confirmed the rumours, that they were more than just friendly coworkers, and unconsciously cleaved the relationship, of whatever connection he had with Thomas, because two male lawmakers going home to the same bed together and doing who knows what was too much for the southern front, apparently.

thomas had then brought out money to silence the rumours of him, all while leaving alexander alone to face the scrutiny of society... and that's where he's standing, alone. but now, he's looking at a familiar doorbell, and it burns a hole in his hand. what if thomas wasn't ready for reconciliation? he can't take rejection from the man he loves, again. ever since last year, they've broken all forms of contact, stopped the looks, and basically avoided each other, like usual.

except now alexander knows how thomas feels like when he's stroking his hair, cuddling him to sleep or just being a lap pillow. he could only slide down the door with resignation. it's a life where he has to face the music alone. it would be easier if thomas could look past his southern upbringing. there he goes again. raising his hopes, overthinking... what does it matter how his heart fares? thomas is already gone, isn't he? it's over, isn't it?

and the door opens, and arms scoop him up with a face buried in his neck, inhaling the scent of him. behind him, he could smell vanilla and cinnamon, with a hint of something alcoholic, perhaps rum. oh, it was like sinking into a warm bath after a long day, except the day was almost 2 years long. it's a pleasure he can't bear.  and thomas' comforting has never been so desperate.

"you little shit, don't ever leave me again. I'm never letting you go. I love you, can't believe I was ignoring you for the better half of two years."

and Alexander cries, because he's home.

i was going to leave y'all with an angst ending but i promised you there would be comfort so... also anyways I'm having a troubling time with everything rn and I'm not doing so good and that's with the gap because i have a terrible time conquering something called sleep and it's sucking away my life. anyways, see you soon.

[640 words]

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