Pandorum [Jamilton]

406 3 10

modern au, future au,end of an era vibe
thomas saves alexander from suicide. also like everyone wears suits out in the future.
content warning-angst,angst and angst.(fluff at the end don't worry.)need I say any more? death of parents,breakup,and alex found someone. that's about it. he didn't die or anything I wouldn't write that.(ahaha sorry for two angsts in a row I'm like very sad)  thomas is single btw,jeffmads is not in this au.

set in a future where holographic screens are everywhere and thin electronic panels that display a render of whatever sky you want is commonplace instead of windows. also there is no sun but it's still warm,just always nighttime.

[flashback/third person POV]
Alexander was silent as he laid on his bed,suit slightly rumpled. He hadn't felt the need to change out of it. he hadn't felt the need to actually move out of his position. Unbeknownst to him,he had been laying in this position for a week now. All it took was a week to turn his life from a normalcy he had for two years into an absolute emotional tirade. All he did was stare at the ceiling,which was a flat screen showing a hyper-realistic render of the starry sky of Virginia. He didn't know what captivated him to the skies of Virginia,out of all 50 states,he chose this quaint southern state. (Little did he know a certain Virginian would change his life this very night.)

Now,he had known what this week was. He had even told John,his boyfriend,well,ex boyfriend,about it. And John said he'd be there to comfort him. He said he'd be there,and Alexander believed him. Until he came home from work later that day with a bit of a slight temper due to a certain very attractive Virginian(that he'd been pining for a long time)rebutting his points with,well,he'd hate to admit it but he had some really great points.Needless to say,he'd already cooled down considerably when he got home. He had hoped to be able to relax into the taller man's arms after a long day of arguing,but the house was silent when he came in. He noticed their bedroom light was switched on. Walking towards the room,he felt a sense of foreboding when he inched closer towards the intricately carved mahogany door his best friend Eliza and her girlfriend,Maria had gifted him with on the day he got the job.

And as he opened the door, a sight awaited him.

John Laurens,his boyfriend,was in their bed with James Madison. And they looked up at Alexander like deers caught in headlights.

The rest of the evening went to hell. John screamed profanity after profanity at him while James looked on with horror,pity and guilt on his face. John then left him alone in his apartment after he took all his stuff. Alone on the apartment floor where they had once waltzed across with ease,promising one another a relationship of a lifetime. The same floor that John had promised he'd always be with him. Where had that all gone to?

[One year later]
Today was the day he'd dreaded. It was the day his parents died in a widespread pandemic 10 years ago. John left him a year ago on this very day. He felt so melancholic it was almost incorrect to say he was sad. Sad would be an understatement of how he was suffering. Today was the day he couldn't take it anymore. He got out of bed,after a week of staring at the Virginian sky. He walked into his closet and placed on his frail body a new suit. He would get drunk,and then fall off a building. it'll hurt less with the alcohol,he thought.

His night was going how he wanted it to be. It was his last night,why not go out the way he liked? As he neared the escalator of his apartment floor,with full intention of going to the open air rooftop and falling off.

But he didn't know a certain Virginian who cared more than he'd like to admit about alexander. He knew what the immigrant was trying to do. And if it meant confessing to him to stop the potential love of his life commiting suicide,so be it. He followed him up the elevator with haste.

And as he almost fell off the roof into the bustling city below,a strong pair of arms pulled him back,turning him around to meet a pair of oh so soft lips that he wanted to cry. As he broke off from those lips,he saw Thomas Jefferson. And as he registered what happened, Jefferson pulled him into a hug which he welcomed. There was someone who cared about him. And as he kissed Thomas again,with relief filling the southerner's raven eyes,he cried again.

Thomas stayed with him that week. Weeks turned into months,and months into 5 years. He'd never left him. He understood now. Thomas wasn't going to leave him. And that was when he knew,as he kissed his now husband in their apartment, that this was the man he was supposed to be with.

That apartment floor sure went through a lot.

I swear this was supposed to be a 300 word oneshot lmao guess i got carried away sial.
[920 words]

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