Heaven falls[Jamilton]

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oomph a whole lotta angst here,part one of a four part or more series.
content warning- angst,heartbreak,alexander being an ass about legacy,burr is the biggest asshat ever,poor thomas.
Historical au with a bdsm relationship between alex and thomas. I already despise aaron burr before all this so fuck him.

[i dun even know what pov this is so]

Silence continued with Alexander holding the box Thomas so tediously carved holding his house key inside. Thomas took a deep,shaky breath,gazing into his sub's eyes. Those eyes...

'Don't fall into them.' his brain reminded him.
"Look,Alexander... the dinner,the key,tonight;it," Thomas looked around the cellar looking for words.Alexander felt unrest lie on his chest,pulling him down as he struggled to stand.

"I did it because I wanted to tell you something. But you keep fucking running away." Thomas kept talking,this was probably the only way he could ever do it.

"I had it all planned out but it went to shit and now we're in a goddamn wine cellar with what I think are some rats...and," he squeezed Alexander's hands looking at the ground and then back up again at him.

"and what I'm trying to say is that I..." he couldn't find words.

"I... don't care."He finished.Alexander was beginning to panic,on something he couldn't put his finger on. "What?" He prompted Thomas.

"I don't care." Thomas repeated,looking back at his love. "That's the thing,Hamilton. I'm in a fucking filthy cellar infested with rats and who knows what else,and there are people above us drinking heinously cheap beer,and I don't care," he held on to Alexander,like he was the only real thing left."because I'm with you."

And time slowed down. Everything was completely stilled, as if the world had stopped to watch this moment.

"This key,"he motioned to it with his head, "I made it for you, Alexander. It's a key to my house because fucking hell, whenever you're not in it, it doesn't feel like my damn house anymore."For the first time his brain wasn't the part spilling out the words.

"I want to run to the lake with you, goddamnit. I want to take care of you when you're drunk and stay up with you on that stupid porch swing in the middle of the night if I have to. I want to braid your hair and run through the rain like fucking idiots trying to get the bread back to the house safe."he was still looking anywhere but Alexander, the words positively pouring out of him in a flood.

"I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. Because..."He dropped his head to his chest briefly, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.

This was it.

He raised them to Alexander.
"Because I love you."

(You can probably tell from the content warning that this isn't going to end well. I cried while writing this and proofreading. And this hurts Thomas to the heart. Poor thomas. give this a fucking vote because i cried and you might too.)

Alexander was silent for a while,obviously taken aback. "...No." Thomas couldn't believe his ears. His heart was thumping madly.

Alexander repeated what he said,"No,Thomas. You know this was supposed to be a one-month sexcapade. What will happen when our wives come back from their little hay day,huh? They surely wouldn't find whatever this relationship is would be normal. "

Leaving his dom in the most vulnerable position mentally he had been in a long time,he huffed and walked out the cellar backdoor. He was not supposed to like Jefferson,and ignoring his urges to go back there and smother him with kisses. He had a legacy to uphold. What he would do for his legacy was astonishing,and as Alexander Hamilton slid into his sheets,he had never felt more alone.


I'm not really loving the new dark mode but its a hella of a lot better than that disgusting brightness. stay tuned for part two.
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