I'm all yours,daddy[Jamilton]

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What is a normal title? never heard of it
Stripper AU (lord forgive me)
Content warning-kinky shit,smut and pole dancing,FOURTH WALL WILL BE BROKEN(and with a title like that you'd already assume there's smut) PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH SMUT

Darlin',I already warned you

[alexdre pov]
Today was like any other day in the club. I needed money to actually live,and a sugar daddy seemed too weird for me. Anyway, I could dance really well so pole dancing wasn't a big deal. I would get quite a sum of money and I was still enjoying myself. As usual,I was wearing a short crop top,and some booty shorts,with the tattoo I got while drunk showing,fuck you,Peggy. It said,slap me daddy. I wasn't too proud of it but whatever. Out of work,no one will see this. I just hope Jeffershit doesn't come through these doors. I'd be dead for sure. I liked him a lot,and while part of me said I'd be dead,another part was secretly wishing he would come through these doors. My work required me to grind on the customer's lap,and if they so wished they could have me. Luckily my virginity wasn't stolen,yet. It was 10 minutes before the club was due to open,and I was in the back room.

[tommy pov]
Now,you would think,why was I,Thomas Jefferson,in a stripper club,when tons of drag queens would kill for me?(see I told you the fourth wall will break) Fine,I'll admit it. I paid strippers for sex because I didn't want to think about Alexander Hamilton. Years of wanting him,longing for him,pinning after him. I hated the fact I liked him a lot, so I passed it off as hate. Those compelling mocha eyes,I wanted to drown in it. He probably hated me for all the shit I put him through,but I couldn't help it. That man was stuck in my head.

Today,I went to another club. I was so over him. I'm a new man. In New York you can be a new man.(hehehehe) Walking into the club,my heart stopped.

Alexander was dancing on the pole.
His movements emitted a powerful aura commanding respect. In the light that was in the club,I could feel my cheeks flush dully. I have never wanted him so bad. His body was flush against the pole,and with the way he was dancing,it complemented his curves. It was honestly mesmerising,to say the least. The makeup he put on made him glow like an angel. I sat down and watched him dreamily. I loved him,but he probably didn't. I hope he came to me.

[alexdre pov]
I saw him,and my cheeks flushed a violent maroon. I was glad everyone in the room was either drunk or high,because that meant I could grind on him. Thomas Jefferson could take my virginity if he so wanted. If I had to choose someone to do that,it would be him. I finished my dance, and went off the stage. I approached him slowly with two drinks and my shorts pulled higher.

[tommy pov]
Alexander was walking toward me. I was silently shaking and very aroused. He even winked at me. He knew that he was winking towards me,and yet he still wanted to do that with me. Oh,he liked me too. I'm so lucky.

[alexdre pov]
I walked towards him,set the drinks down on another table,and stood in front of him. "Oh hello,Thomas,would you like me?" He gulped and said hell yes. I basically straddled him, put my hands around his neck,and grinded on his member. I was suprised to find it already hard. He liked me a lot. I didn't straddle anyone in the whole duration of me working this job. I hope he caught the message I liked him. I knew he liked me. And without warning, he crashed our lips together. I of course kissed him back.

[tommy pov]
Alex kissed me back. His lips were so soft. We pulled apart for air later,him still straddling me. I asked him,"Alexander,I like you a lot. Will you be my boyfriend? I'm sorry for all the things I did to you in high school. I've always liked you." He responded by connecting our lips again,and huskily said,"Of course. I like you too. I don't straddle anyone here,Tommy.You're the only one. And while what you did in high school was horrifying,I'm willing to love you for who you are now." He continued grinding against me while saying that.Voice dripping with lust,I asked him if he wanted to stay with me and when he ended work. He responded with a yes and he ended work five minutes ago. After he packed up everything,I carried him bridal style to my car. We were going to Monticello. Only the best house for him,am I right? It was great we were in Virginia already. I didn't know he worked here. Monticello was fifteen minutes away.

I hate myself too.
(880 words)

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