unecessary content page !! (wOw)

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(MAJOR EDIT, 12/3/21): due to some very dumb classmates of mine, this book is undergoing major edits in making it very impersonal. I will make it clear. I did not want to do this. If you really have to address me as the author, walnut will do.)

hello and welcome to this mess of a book, my name's walnut and you're watching my poor life choices.
(just kidding)

so,here are the different categories that the parts might fall into!

- a/n's : they're nothing much and it's not necessary to read them because all issues I've mentioned have already been resolved. thanks for your concern!
(as of 30/11/2020)
(12/3/21: this section has been removed.)

- cheese and mac : these are just questions + memes + other shenanigans that you can read (again, not necessary) and get to know me better! it's just me talking about somethings in my life so I  don't feel like a faceless stranger to you.
(12/3/21: this section has been removed.)

onto the oneshots! (normal stories, poems, questionable stories, more philosophical shit..)

author's recommendations:
(in chronological order but not necessary the ones i love the most are first) (not included but i also recommend reading all the asian oneshots)

-devotion (還願) (generally it's a tough one. cannot be classified as anything, also highly recommended) (pilot is a standalone fic not related) (before you read, please take note that this story has mentions of child abuse, family issues, and lots of supernatural things. may also contain a lot of triggers so please be cautious while reading this!!)

- broken stars (threeshot, questionable smut and angst? cannot really be classified as any one of them)

- he's a prick but he's my prick (oneshot, mostly fluff but with a bit of angst. also contains extra 1000% sarcasm)

- dancing with a stranger(oneshot, crackfic but take it seriously, diluted angst with a fluffy ending)

- centrifugal/centripetal (twoshot, cannot be classified as anything)

-★libet's all joyful camaraderie + alone, at the edge of the universe (twoshot, can be read as standalone. also my favourite stories ever. highly recommended, angst with some fluff)

- patron saint of lost causes (oneshot, mafia angst with a sprinkle of fluff)

- alexander does not dream of thomas (angsty. but there's comfort)

-emotions// social stigma burns like your disapproval (please don't read this.)

yeah, with that said, I hope you enjoy reading what i have to offer!


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