Monticello [Jamilton]

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a continuation of I'm all yours,daddy
Same warnings

warnings have been given,princess.

[tommy pov]
I carried him bridal style up the grand stairs of my Monticello residence,because I'm rich and he's suprisingly light,and when we reached my bedroom,I kicked open the door with haste and pressed my lips against his,with him hungrily returning it. I all but threw him(gently) on the bed,and then went to my bedside drawer to take out a pocket knife. I straddled him,while I was still topping him,and I inquired,"Do you trust me,Lexi?" "Of course." I knew he was a masochist from when I bullied him in high school,so I tied him up. (Don't worry,this is all with consent. I will NEVER WRITE smut without consent.)I made a cut above his thigh,and he moaned in pleasure,while I spoke. "You have no idea how much I've wanted you. Years of pinning after you,wanting you,crying at the shit I've done to you,and then you walk into my life like that." I traced the knife against my lover's lips,and then I flicked it away,and then moved over to his neck. I sucked and bit on it,while his back arched and he moaned loudly.

With hickeys down his throat to remind him who he belonged to,I moved on to his crotch area. Stroking his member lazily and inserting two fingers into his ass caused him to scream loudly. I scissored him and when I knew he was about to cum I pulled out my fingers and inserted my dick into his ass and wait for him to adjust. He choked out a "you can move now" while sweating profusely. I thrusted into him moderately and picked up the pace,increasing the force and speed behind my thrusts until I hit his prostate and he was screaming. My thrusts were getting sloppier too,I was almost there. He had already came once and he screamed that he was on the verge of that again. I crushed his hips in a vice like hold,and jackhammered into him hard and fast until we both came off our highs.

"And that's how we met." I said while giving my husband,Thomas, a kiss. Our two kids were visibly disgusted at this. Peggy was still confused. I looked at everyone and said,"Let's just say your father met me and put a ring on it."

i will probably rewrite this.
no editing or proofreading here.
(440 words)

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