Broken stars (pt 1)[Jamilton]

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content warning- drugs,suggested ghost, dysfunctional family and people going insane, slight hinting at making out with a dead corpse ,also maybe a bit of lams if you think about it (later parts)

The stars change fate.
But the stars are broken,
and so the proof is gone.
This moment is a vertex in which time has caved in;to the left is the past,
to the right should have been the future.
   But the stars are broken.
  Also,I met Alexander Hamilton.

[thomas pov]
It was raining. I walked into the lecture room,drenched slightly. It was that time of year again,where my high school organised a nightly cram session for the students who had potential of doing well at the college entrance examination. All the people in the lecture hall were either for the organised cram sessions or self-study.

I see James waving at me from the fourth row down and I walk faster to him. James was sick,as per normal,but nevertheless I was still glad to see a friendly face. He started grumbling about how he couldn't read my handwriting and therefore my work couldn't be copied,so I copied for him,of course. I had an uncanny ability to copy almost perfectly other people's handwriting,but mine was horrendous at best. James had promised he'd help me undo the knots in my hair,and he did just that. The fluorescent lights showed a stark contrast in other people's shadows and nobody seemed to notice it was very dark outside.

Suddenly, lightning struck, the door burst open,and with it,textbooks flapped,dirt and dust rolled in and window panes opened,with chaos reigning in the lecture hall . I moved to close the windows and I saw Alexander Hamilton,even though I didn't know his name yet.

He stood on the school ground,shaking his fist at the wind,as if he had a grudge against it. I watched as he walked out of sight,and then sighed softly. James asked,'What's wrong?' I replied with a hint of my southern drawl,'The rain's very heavy and I didn't bring an umbrella,that's what's wrong.' 'We can share an umbrella,let's get you home.'

My father always gave me a glass of milk every night. 
—(thomas gets woken up by a presence,yes,the assumed ghost)

[Third-Person ish Pov]
The pale woman stared at Thomas. He was used to her. They conversed a bit about school,and then the pale woman reached into her pocket and said,'Let's look at the stars,' she said. She retrieved a folded-up sheet of paper and began to spread it, infinitely patient and gentle. The paper, which had appeared about the size of her palm at first, gradually expanded and spread out in every direction under her careful, repetitive movements until the edges could no longer be seen. The symbols and lines coiled like a never ending spiral, until finally settling.
The Star-Taker.
"Those are your stars." the pale woman giggled.
-next morning-
[tHoMaS' pOv]
I stood next to Jemmy in PE. We were currently being lazy and our coach was not on the field as he'd been in his office lecturing people for breaking someone's arm. Another boy ran past us telling us the coach was back.He seemed familiar. I asked James who that was."That's Alexander Hamilton. Also in the cram class. Kind of a freak."
Then it hit me. He was the boy who shook his fist at the wind. Thomas told himself not to look back; there was no need for suspicion.
The pale woman said the stars wished him luck.

Thomas looked at the boy sitting on the bench next to the track without speaking. Only someone who had gotten a note from the nurse could sit there so openly, excused from having to run up a sweat. As they crossed the finish line, the boy on the bench got up and walked toward them.
The new boy approached Thomas but hesitated when he saw James.
James rolled his eyes. He turned to Thomas. "I'll wait for you back in the classroom."
"Thomas!" The bright sun made the new boy squint as he smiled.

"I hear that the study hall sessions are pretty easy."
"Sure, there's no extra homework. I'm sure you work much harder in the cram sessions."
Something was stuffed into his hand. Thomas stopped and stared expressionlessly at the gift box from John: velvet, satin, exquisitely made. He opened it to find a brand-new Parker pen. "John?"
"We used to sit at the same desk, didn't we? I happen to have an extra pen." John's smile was like a piece of chocolate about to melt.

-back at Thomas' house(nighttime)-

The pale woman opened her astrolabe. Thomas paid attention to her every movement, scrutinizing the details of this process he had already witnessed countless times.
The pale woman held him still and forced him to meet her gaze. "I've seen his stars. I don't like them." Thomas walked over and sat down next to her. "Do you like my stars?"
"I do." The woman's eyes were as gentle as a sigh. "You're a good child. The stars told me so as soon as you were born."

"Tomorrow, there will be happiness. You'll walk a path that you don't normally walk, and make a date in the morning. The stars say that you'll meet someone important..The date will change your destiny, so be careful of wrong turns.Listen, the stars are talking, all of them. Can you hear them? The stars want you to be happy."
The pale woman's speech sped up. She repeated herself. Because she was talking so fast, she couldn't catch her breath until senseless, staccato syllables made the woman's body convulse. Abruptly, the bony fingers locked onto Thomas' shoulders, and the woman let out a burst of crude, piercing laughter.
Thomas hugged her tightly. "Stop acting crazy, Mama. Stop."

this was very long(999 words)

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