say no to this (sinner's prayer) [Jamilton]

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wow finally walnut writes something actually RELEVANT to hamilton!!! yeah about the title, no it isn't smut. it's a poemish oneshot but a fucked up one because it plays around with the lyrics of say no to this and some implications of the church overruled by satan. yeah. also thomas' an incubus. also also, it's implied they fucked in the church.

I hadn't slept in a week,
I was weak, I was awake.
the devil's presence outright through
the house of god corrupted by sin.
suffering through the implications
will god take pity on my soul?
will he listen to my prayers,
ridding the sin from my soul?

"our father, who art in heaven,
hallowed by thy—"
a prayer interrupted,
the hands of sin wrapped around me,
almost a benediction fulfilled,
but I am only mortal,
the temptations overrun devotion,
seems I can't really walk away from sin,
after all.

he introduces himself as thomas.
I never really found myself attracted to
a man, I was more of a womaniser,
yet another evidence of sin clinging to me.
why won't god answer my prayers?
I lamented, thinking he was a man of god.
after all, I am only mortal.
he might've seduced me,
but I couldn't have resisted.

he breached my body, and this time,
it should've hurt, but it didn't.
i would know, because this man was
the one i was betrothed to.
we had definitely done this before.
in a hazy pursuit of pleasure,
i failed to realise my salvation.
no. god won't answer my prayers,
but this is my salvation.

consider me a sinner,
if my moans for him are a prayer.
there's nobody who needs to know,
when he pulled me to his bed,
like a dance long forgotten.
I said "I should go back home,"
but he pulled me forward, saying
"this is no time to be turning red."

I don't know how to say no to this.
I wish I could say that was the last time,
but it became a pastime.
no signs from god,
no punishment dawned upon me,
perhaps he never really listened at all.

maybe I was born a sinner,
but consider my prayer, to a man long dead.
at least he listens.
a dance of sin, a sinner's prayer
spreading my legs felt
more like salvation than sin,
then his mouth is on mine, and I don't
say no to this.

ok so alexander's not human. hehehe. thomas is definitely NOT a human lmao. the rest is up to you to interpret. :)

[425 words]

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