還願: devotion [Jamilton]

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thomas walks back into the living room.

he finds a tattered qi pao dress. It's alexander's mother's dress from when she was popular. a pity it's been sliced and torn.

exiting the apartment, he finds a noticeboard that read "1986".

there used to be three articles there, but two are torn off. the other reads,
"Lover's quarrel? Inside du feng yu and gong li fang's rocky relationship

personal lives clash, each sighted at multiple events alone"

opening the second apartment's door, he finds himself in a pitch black apartment. he lights up the room with the lighter. there are candles in the apartment, so he lights it up, because he's scared of the dark.

there is a travel guide on the table. there's a note with some words written in a rush on it.

"Alexander's been sulking in his room since we can't go on our trip anymore. could you go and read alexander his favourite storybook?"

walking into the kitchen prompts him to notice a large wine pot. there is a poem attached to it.

my beloved child
this wine will follow you
sweet and ripe

brewing in the pot
mother's three blessings

wishing your silhouette, embraced by silk wishing your hair, illuminated by stars
wishing your steps, admired by all

as i await patiently
let time mold you into a lustrous jewel

it's a beautiful poem. he can't understand why alexander was so ashamed of his father. he proceeds to light all the candles in the apartment. entering alexander's room, he is momentarily shocked by the door closing, but that must've just been the howling wind. there's a piece of paper on the table.

essay: my family

there are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I.

my mother is a housewife who likes to sing while she is cooking. my mother used to be a famous star. every song she sings sounds perfect. my father is a screenwriter. he writes a lot of words everyday. He often works late, and I can't bother him when he works or my mother will scold me.

although i am sick and can't go to school often, mom and dad always take care of me at home. my mom says if i get better I'll be able to play outside more often.

I love my mommy and daddy. I wish for us to have a healthy and loving life.


there's some incense on the same table. it's normally found in the temple for prayer.

the hallway light is flickering. he goes into another room. there is another pamphlet on the vanity.


tales of 慈孤观音: the sacrifice

however, nothing lasts forever. one year, the novice monk suddenly fell victim to an illness. it ravaged his body and soul, he could not eat for days. his health declined rapidly but the village doctors were stumped. the farmer could do nothing but worry endlessly.

at this time the snake abruptly appeared and said to the farmer: "I am a spirit serpent a thousand years of age. since your child's birth, I have witnessed his resolve, his great sense of duty and filial piety. His virtuousness outshines even my own. Let me help him through this troublesome bout. heed my instructions: my flesh and blood, brewed into a medicinal wine, shall remedy his condition instantly.

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