dancing with a stranger [Jamilton]

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would it be a stranger if they were lovers in a past life? heheheh I'm not saying anything that was a what if. anyway the song is dancing with a stranger by normani and sam smith. this fic is 69% sexual tension, 40% humour, 1% the idiots actually realising where they've seen the other before, and 100% aNgSt with a healthy dose of sarcasm (there's a nice ending i swear)

tl;dr— this is a crackfic. diluted angst in the beginning tho


He was starting to get past James, that's for sure. he just literally went out of his way to a nightclub, just to scream at the universe, "hey look, i don't give a shit about james but I don't wanna be alone tonight fuckers" but of course he very much cared still about what james would or would have done,since the latter was six feet under. yikes, that's a topic he doesn't want to delve into.

it was probably better for him,he tried to reason with himself(and failing miserably) that a nightclub was better than netflix. he considered the idea. nightclub? netflix? the fuck is a good decision anymore? he definitely doesn't have the brain capacity to deal with bad life choices. nightclub,then. (he would definitely regret staying at home like a law-abiding citizen and watching white girl egotistical bullshit,right? he wasn't hung up on those cishet, default, monochrome-looking losers on the show that probably smoke three pots of cocaine to look that white right? wrong. he was big stronk twink with very large brain and very much not attracted to girls, no sherlock, he was dedicated to the boys. no sir, no ma'am,no thanks.)

so off he went into the nightclub, with the confidence of a peanut and the demeanour of a kicked poodle. that should surely attract other big stronk twinks like him,that's for sure! (thomas you're an idiot but keep going hun(WHY AM I WRITING HIM LIKE THIS) and he had devised with his very large and stronk brain that he was going to use here to get all the boys in his backyard.

and that lead him to being here, with a sunkissed shortie. he definitely didn't regret picking him up. as they swayed in time with the oddly fitting jazz (it was suprisingly not busy in the nightclub), their bodies pressed flush against each other, arms splayed like a lover's embrace, he fathomed,yet again, whether intimacy so close after James was a good idea. he decided against his gut and left his new lover.

but here they were,again, him pinning the other, dancing,even without a rhythm to their sways, almost as if they knew the fucked up sheet music and strayed far away from it. they were in perfect sync, and there was never as much as a time for comfort as now. almost as if the other sensed his thoughts, there was a soft smile and a look of understanding. almost as if they've seen each other like this before. oh yes, thomas was definitely keeping this.

and as Alexander dozed in his arms,one lazy sunny afternoon years after they met, a cold breeze met his exposed collarbone, and a voice very familiar to him whispered that he made the right choice. james was proud of him. he couldn't have.

but that didn't discount that dancing with a stranger did change his life.

yeah it's almost 5am now fuck my sleeping schedule :) here's a quick crackfluff because there's no better time :) i need to probably sleep but I can't and I've spent an hour writing this. ciao, I'm tired.
s s s s s s s
[625 words]

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