Office [Jamilton]

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wowee I'm so original (office AU)
content warning-none i guess

[alexdre pov]
The office was quiet and I was working overtime willingly again. My office was currently dark because I switched off all my lights so the janitor wouldn't question me. In my haste of typing out reports furiously,I failed to notice the sky darkening. It was about to rain,although I did not know at the time. I was in a trancelike state where I didn't care about anything or anyone. That dreamlike state ended when the first crack of thunder sounded and light briefly illuminated my surroundings.

[tommy pov]
I was still in the office,working on some papers. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I longed for my boyfriend,Alexander. He would sit in my lap ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)and I wouldn't feel so alone,but I saw him exit the building. I was definitely shocked by that crack of thunder but I recovered quickly. However,it was not so quiet now. I could hear incoherent mumbling and wails. I immediately knew who it was. My love was having a panic attack and nobody else was in the office or so he thought.

[Alexdre POV]
Save the kids! They don't deserve to die! No! Why can't I die? Let them live! Why must my brother die but not me? I can't seem to get out of the wreckage,and I can't swim any further, goodbye cruel world,goodbye Nevis,I'll see you soon mama and James- I was pulled back into the present when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me and someone's comforting voice-Thomas. My boyfriend. He was stroking my hair and whispering sweet nothings while cleaning my cuts. God,I love this man.

[Tommy POV]
I rushed into his office only to see him cutting himself with a penknife and sobbing uncontrollably. It hurt me to see my princess so broken like this. I gently removed the penknife from him and wrapped my arms around him and rocked him back and forth while whispering sweet nothings in his ear and trying to clean his cuts. Alex finally calmed down a few seconds later. I was glad. He sat there,with his cute eyes looking at me while I cleaned his cuts and carried him bridal style to the car. He needed to sleep. I could see dark eye bags underneath his eyes. I went back up to grab his stuff and my stuff so we could go home. It was past office hours anyway. He fell asleep on the car ride back.

I picked him up bridal style and laid him down on the bed softly. He was adorable. I laid down to cuddle him. He opened his eyes and whispered,"I love you,Tommy." I replied softly,"I love you too,darlin'."

When we woke up,we continued to cuddle and watch Netflix while eating mac and cheese because today was thursday and it was mac and cheese day. He didn't protest.

I love how I was gonna write something smutty like him pinning alex to a wall and them fucking but eh I'll save it for another oneshot
(535 words)

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