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Long time no see!! Well I'm sorry that it took so long for this but I had no choice..

Before going ahead I want to remind you all this book is for 18+ age readers, so if you are not please stop in your track because what you may read further, will be not my responsibility.

Enjoy my lil chickens 😉(unedited, expect some mistakes)


"Ma'am you have a meeting in tomorrow" I was disturbed by my secretary, Maya.

"How many times I should repeat to don't call me ma'am. We are friends" I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Well we are friends outside but inside this office you are my boss and I'm your secretary" she declared and walked away making me chuckled at her behaviour.

I'm currently in my office going through some emails which I hadn't reply for past few days. I left New York five years ago and since that day I didn't step in that country. I'm working as an interior decorator. I owned my own little company not so big like others but I had which can feed us.

I sigh, and checked the time. It's 6:35pm.
Holy shit!!

I stood and arranged my files and kept it in its proper place. After checking everything I took my phone and purse and made my way outside.

"Going home?" Maya asked once I stepped outside my office. She's my friend since I arrived London. First it was hard to trust anyone but as time passes by I get to know her better and we become friends. Having a long blonde hair and Beautiful body she's perfect for being a model but she never liked modeling. After I established my own little company I offered her a job and she gladly accept it.

"Mmm, yep and you can also go home since there's nothing to do today" I said to which she nodded.

"Don't forget you have a meeting tomorrow morning, bells" she informed

"Ugh! I know. And it's Bella." I snapped but she just shrugged off and walked away.

This girl is crazy.


I sat on my couch watching TV and munching on my favourite pizza with extra cheese. It's been a while since I had spend time on me. Though I'm watching TV but my mind drifted of him.

What he's doing?

He's okay?

Is he eating his food?

This whole thought make me worry for him. Don't worry Bella he's okay he's with Vish and Mike. My subconscious mind told me. My thought was interrupted by the call.

Well Well the devil is himself calling.

I chuckled and hit the answer button.

"Hey Mike" I said

"Hey baby doll. Are you home?" Mike asked making me laugh at him

"Yes Mikey I'm home" I said pressing the word Mikey.

"Hey don't call me that" he snapped making me laugh at him. He never liked if someone called him Mikey.

"Oh geez sorry. Where's he?" I asked to which he heaved a sigh.

"He's sleeping" he said

"Ah. That's good. Well see you soon and come here in evening" I said and hanged up after saying goodbyes.

I strip my clothes and stand under the shower drenching my naked body. Closing my eyes I stood there for a min after that I cleaned myself and brushed my teeths before heading to bed.

Changing into shorts and tank top I laid on bed scrolling on my phone when my eyes spotted to the very familiar figure.
He was standing there wearing blue three pieces suit showing his perfect mascular body. He's still the same. I read the head line..

"The most hottest and famous  billionaire Mahir Alfonsi spotted at the airport of London."

London? What is he doing here?

Stop it Bella. Let him do whatever he wants. It's non of your concern. I scolded myself and turned my phone off after kissing my wallpaper. Not a few mins passed and I was already in my deep slumber.


Wait for the second chapter.

And please if you didn't get my language kindly suggest me in what language I should continue this. English? Or Hindi?

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