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Bella's PoV

My eyes shot open and then closed again due to the light in the room. Few minutes later I opened them again and blink a couple of times to adjust my sight. I turn to the other side and saw Mahir was sleeping on my bed, with his arms folded and his head on them. There was IV connected to my hands and the smell of a typical hospital fills my nose. I try to reach for the glass on the table, with my protesting injured hand but another hands beats me.

"You're awake." Mahir said. I turn and nods at him. I wince and his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "What happened?" He asked but I didn't respond. "I will call the doctor." He said and walk out of the room. Few minutes later door open revealing Mahir with a docter.

"Hello Ms Grayson. I'm your doctor, Liam." He smiles at me. "Let's get you checked." He said and I nodded at him. "You are fine but if you feel any pain please call us. You will be discharged in few days." He said smiling at me then walked out of the room.

"I was so worried about you. I thought I lose you." He whispered the last part.

"How long I have been here?" I asked ignoring his comment.

"For about a week. They tried everything but you didn't wake up." He said

"I wanted to. But, I couldn't." I explained. Why am I even explaining this to him?

"Where's Alex?" I asked searching him.

"He's with my parents. They are on their way." He said. His parents are here? For how long.

"Mommy!" My chain of thoughts was interrupted by the little voice of my son. Tears formed in my eyes and a smile spread across my face. I missed my son.

"Hey baby." I said as he climbed up the bed with the help of the stool. He wraps his arms around me, placing his head in the crook of my neck.

"Gentle with your mom." Mahir warns.

"I missed you baby." I said placing kisses on his cheek.

"I missed you too, mommy." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled at him. I look up to see Marco and Vanessa smiling at me. A tear escape my eyes seeing them after five years. I am maybe not their flesh but they both love me like their own. I smiled widely at them as Vanesa walk towards me. She caresses my cheek before kissing my forehead.

"I am so happy to know nothing happened to you." She said crying. I hugged her lightly not wanting to hurt myself.

"I am fine, mom." I said wiping her tears.

"We were worried about you." Marco said walking towards us. I smiled at him as he kissed my head.

" I know. When did you guys arrive here?" I asked

"Mahir called us the day after your accident. We couldn't hold back ourselves more so we arrive here as soon as we can." Mom said looking at Mahir then at me. I saw something flickers in her eyes.

"I am sorry." She said suddenly. I looked confused at her but soon I know what she meant.

"I'm taking Alex to feed him." Mahir said picking Alex before leaving us alone.

"Nothing you can do about that. It's absolutely okay." I said assuring her.

"Alex is so like you." She said smiling. I smiled at her but her smiles faded.

"You were pregnant, don't you?" She asked seriously. I look at both of them then nodded.

"I'm so sorry Bella. We can't do anything to stop him. I was so mad at him when I know what he did." Marco said sitting beside me. I took that chance to look at him. He become more weak and pale than before.

"I forgive him father." I said seriously. They nodded at me. After few mins of silence I spoke.

"How's your health, father. Xavier told me you was hospitalised." I asked remembering what he said. He was sick but still he comes here to see me.

"I'm absolutely fine, honey." He said patting my cheek.

Next hour passes quickly as everybody comes and visit me. My parents, vish, Mike, Marco and Vanessa leave taking Alex with them. I wanted him to go home. Hospital aren't good atmosphere for him.

Right now everything is normal and good. Mahir is talking on his phone outside the room and I'm sitting on the bed alone feeling bored. The door opened revealing Xavier with a..girl?

"Hey Bel." He said walking towards me and placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at him.

"Bella this is Sophia my girlfriend and Sophie she's Bella." He introduced and I smiled at her.

" Hey, How are you feeling?" She asked Shyly and places the basket of fruits on the table. Xavier suddenly wraps his arms around me giving me smirk. I look at him confused then my gaze fall on Mahir who was burning in jealousy.

Now I understood.

"Um..I have to make some calls, you guys carry on." Mahir interrupted us.

"Okay. We will call if we need anything." Sophia smiled at him and he nods at her leaving us alone not before glaring at Xavier.

"He's so hot" Sophia exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" Xavier growls, jealousy was evident on his face. I tried controlling my laughter. "Your boyfriend is right here." He says.

"Oh baby he's hot but not hot as you " she said kissing his cheeks. Xavier turned red. "Oh god he's blushing." I laugh.

"Okay you guys carry on. I will have some coffee." She said before leaving.

"I'm glad you are okay." He said and places his hand on mine.

"How did it happened?" I asked him out of the blue.

"We don't know that yet. All we know was that driver was drunk and was a guy. The police are trying to find him." He explains. " Your asshole husband suspects on someone, though. He's running tabs on someone and he hired whole north department to find the culprit. He didn't tell me who was behind this." He sighs.

He hired police to find the culprit? Is he Insane? I know he's rich businessman but hiring police.. it's not like him. Why he suspect someone?

"How he hired police?" I asked surprised.

"You still don't know your husband yet, Bella. He can do anything in just a snap of his finger." He explained. Our moment interrupted by the knock on the door. I look up to see.. Christian?

"Hey." He whispered holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Christian. Please come." I said and he walked towards me putting the bouquet on the table.

"I'm sorry for not informing about my arrival. When Mike told me you are in hospital I was worried. So I just came. Sorry if you--" I interrupted him.

"Hey it's okay. Thank you. And thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful." I said.

"Anything--" he's cut off by an angry voice.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Mahir asked with anger that can't be ignored.

Oh shit!


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