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A/N: Firstly I'm sorry for not updating, I was busy in some stuff. Hope you guys didn't mind. I know you people didn't care anyway, I feel like I'm just updating it for myself. No one seems interested in reading it. Well it hurts!

Bella's PoV

"Bella, if you didn't stop rubbing your ass against me, then I'm going to bend you over and fuck you senseless" his words are the music to my ears. I know it's fucking wrong but I can't help it. This man is my weak point and when it comes to him I literally forget everything. I need to stop but I don't want to. It's been five years since I feel this way. I feel like I'm in heaven. Only this man had this aura to make me feel like this.

My grip on his hair tightened as he deepened the kiss. He hold me by my waist and make me sit on the desk. His fingers travel from my ankle to my thigh while his lips were working perfectly against my lips.

Okay, I need to stop this before I regret doing it.

"S-Stop....aaah..stop Mahir" he groaned against my lips while his finger touched my inner thigh playing with my thongs. I tried pushing him away but he's to strong for me.

"It's....w-wrong...s-sir..stop.." I pressed the word sir to irritate him and it worked.

"Why? Don't you want this?"

What? He has the audicity to ask me this? Okay I know I'm enjoying it too but I don't let him know.

"I-I have....a..b-boyfriend" I lied. Wow I really lied to him.

"What?" He yelled making me flinch a little. He was now looking directly at me.

"I have a boyfriend, sir" I said and thank god I didn't stuttered this time. He looked hurt suddenly but soon it covered with anger. Anger? Why the hell he's angry?

"Who?" He asked calmly but his voice was dangerous.

"I..uh.. it's non of your business" I yelled back at him to which he just smirked. His hand moved down to touch my core which is now wet by just his touch.

"Mr Alfonsi...sir" I moaned

"No more sirs, also no more boys. Not one touching you or having memorable moments"

"But why sir?" I mumbled though I was not in state of saying anything but I want to know what he want from me after this year's.

"Because princess, I'm a very possessive man and I don't share whatever or whoever is mine with anyone else" And with that he thrusted his finger deep into me. He was kissing my neck and sucking it hard while his finger was pumping inside me. I was so in pleasure that I forget everything when his word rang in my ear.

"It's for my girlfriend. I'm deciding to propose her in the near future."

I immediately pushed him hard and he fell on the floor hard. If I was in good mood I rather laugh at him but right now I'm angry. If he's proposing someone then why the hell he's doing this.

"Why did you push me?" He asked standing up. His eyes shows confusion and rage.

"Get out of my office" I yelled at him. He looked hurt and shocked by my words. I'm too shocked by what I said but right now I only wanted to stay away from him. I don't want history to repeat itself.

He's going to say something when his phone rang. He's expression changed when he looked at the caller ID. He was fuming in anger. Who might be?

"Don't think I let you go so easily. I will be back" he said and kissed my forehead leaving me in complete shock.

If there is any man for who swears are not adequate enough to describe them, it would be non other than Mahir fucking Alfonsi. The arrogant son of a bitch just walked out threating me as if it was nothing. I was so busy in cussing at him that I didn't heard someone was knocking.

"Come in"

I look at the door to see Maya struggling with files. She didn't see me when she spoke.

"Miss Grayson I... what the hell?" Maya looked at me as if I had grown to heads.

"What?" I asked clearly confused by her reaction when reality hit me. I pick my phone and looked my face only to see a horrible person. Oh god I look like a ghost.

"You guys was makimg out, didn't you?" She asked amusingly.

"What? No um.."

"Relax I didn't judge you. Who will denied to a handsome hunk" she said dreamily.

Handsome hunk?

"He's bastard" I said through gritted teeth.

"Hey why are you saying like this?" She asked faking hurt. God this man had effect on every women.

"Cause I know him better than you people" I said combing my hair and adjusting my dress.

"And how can you tell this? You know him already?" She asked looking at me seriously.

"He's my ex" I blurted out. I didn't tell her about my past because I don't want people saw me as pitty.

"The Mahir Alfonsi is your ex. Oh my god" she asked clearly shocked.


"Really Bella? Women like me die for getting such a handsome billionaire and you got the chance"

Only if she knew!

"If you don't want that hot ex boyfriend of yours then I'm going to hit on him" she said as if it was normal thing for her. I know people are crazy for him but didn't expect her to be like others.

Is this girl is serious?

"He's not my ex boyfriend, he's my ex husband."


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