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Bella's PoV

"Okay now I'm going." I said and smiles at Maya.

"Good day, Bella." She smiles back and I left the building when my phone buzzed. I ignore it. I throw my hand bag over my shoulder and make my way out.

"Bella!" I hear someone shout and turn to see Christian. What the hell is he doing here? The last time I saw him was when we met at charity ball.  "Wait!" He runs to me.

"Christian? What are you doing here?" I ask

"I--I actually come to see you." He said shyly and scratch his back. I chuckled seeing his blushed face.

"How are you?" He asked as we both walked on roads.

"I'm good. What about you?" I asked

"Good" he said and stopped.

"What are your plans for tonight?" He asked taking me by surprise.

"Nothing. Spending time with my son?" I say but it comes out as a question. His eyes widen when the words leave my mouth.

"You have a son?" He asked excited

"Yes" I chuckled

"Can I meet him? Please?" He begs and I almost melted at his baby face.

"You want to meet him?" I asked he nods his head like a kids. "Okay.." I say. He sqeual like a teenager girl who met her favourite celebrity. He hugs me excitedly and slowly wrap my hands around him.

"What the hell!" I hear someone scream. The voice seemed familiar and Christian and I pull away. My eyes landed on angry Mahir. He's glaring at Christian and if looks could kill, Christian would be dead now. "What is going on here?" He growls looking at me. I narrow my eyes at him before smirking. I wrap my arms around Christian's arm and pull him closer to me. Mahir glares at me and I keep smirking.

"Nothing's going on. We are going to spend some time together. You know?  Me, my son and Christian." I keep smirking and he keeps glaring. Christian shifts uncomfortably next to me. "Right Christian?" I ask and look at him, lovingly.

"Okay! That's enough." Mahir snaps and pull me by my arm. I try to wiggle out of his grasp but his grips tighten. He wraps he hand around my waist and looks at Christian, whose eyes are on me.

"You, stay away from her." Mahir warns.

"Or what?" Christian glared at him.

"Leave, Christian" I pleaded to him but he just stay glaring at him.

"Please" he look at me one more time before leaving.

"What the hell you were doing with me?" Mahir asked but I just left ignoring him.

"Bella. Answer me dammit" he pull me by my arms and my jaw collided with his hard chest

"Asshole!" I muttered rubbing my jaw to soothe the pain and left from there. Leaving him in shocked.


"Mommy!" A pair of hands wrapped around my legs. I look down to see my baby covered in flour. What's the matter?

"Hello there, stranger!" I heard a voice and look up to see Mike wearing a apron, looking very funny. I burst into fit of laughter and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Why are you laughing?" Mike asked and I continue laughing.

"You look hideous in that apron, Mike." I laugh and he pout.

I got upstairs and changed into my pyjama and t-shirt before removing my make up. Mike was done preparing the dinner and we all settled down on the table. We talk as we ate our food.

"When did you learn how to cook?" I asked. I thought this would taste like crap but it taste so good.

"Jason taught me." He smiles. I wiggle my eyebrows to tease him and he blushes.

"I need to catch up with you guys." I said and he nods. Door bell rings, interrupting us. Mike stands up to go to the door. I take a look at Alex and he seem off.

"What happened baby?" I ask and he denied. I bend over to clean his face with tissue. "when did you start hiding things from me?" I ask. "what's wrong baby?" I ask again.

"Why is daddy not coming?" He asks and I stand up. "he doesn't love me." His voice cracks.

"Ofcourse I love you. Who said I don't?" I hear Mahir's voice. He's standing by the entrance of the dining room. He have something in his hands, which looks huge.

"Daddy!" He sequels excitedly.

"Why didn't you come yesterday?" He asked

"I'm sorry little man. I was busy." He walks to evan and kisses his head. "Here are some gifts to make it up to you." He says with hope.

"It's okay daddy." He says. Then suddenly something strikes me.


I didn't tell him about these past few days and he just witnessed something like this. Seeing Mahir with Alex....he must be mad at me. I make my way to my living room and see Mike sitting on the couch. He looks up when I sit next to him.

"What the hell is happening here, Bella?"

"I-" He cute me off.

"You are back with him? He left you, Bella. He left you when you were pregnant. He wasn't there for you all these years. He hurt you so much and you forgive him this easily?" He shouts

"I didn't forgive him, Mike." I say. "I think I can never forgive him for what he did it to me but, think about Alex. He need a father." I sigh

"He don't. He have you, me and your family. He don't need him." He snaps

"Mike, please. Whatever I do it's for him. I can't keep him from his father because of my own pain. He want to be in our life h--" I was cut off again.

"He want to be in your life? What the hell? I don't even know about it and I'm your best friend."

"I wanted to tell you but I knew you would react this way." I sighed

"Ofcourse I would react this way. Because I can't see my best friend suffer again. I have seen you past those years Bella. I know how much you suffered. I know how much you blamed yourself for everything that happened. I saw your tears. I saw your pain and I am not ready to see you that way again." He says

"I promise to not do that again." Mahir interrupted us.

"You stay out of this." Mike snaps


"No! Don't even start. I promised myself that the next time I see you, I would break your face. So don't push your luck." Mike warns. I have never seen him this angry and it worries me.

"Mike. Please" I beg. "It's my life and I will do whatever I want." I said little too harshly and he offended. Shit

"Mike-" I start but he interrupted me.

"Oh I'm sorry it's your life do whatever you please." He said and grab his keys and walk away.

It shouldn't be end like this. No!

I fall on my knees and cried. I didn't mean to hurt his feelings, I just want what's best for my son. I cried hard until a pair of hands wrapped around my body. I didn't flinch because I know who it is. I lean against his chest and sobbed.

"Shhh. It's okay. Everything is going to fine." He whispered rubbing my back and kissed my hair.

Nothing is going to be fine.


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