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Mahir's PoV

My feet moved faster than my heartbeat. I rushed down from my room towards the living room.

"Mahir," my mum started when she saw me stumbling a few steps, "here eat something—"

"Xavier." I yelled

He came running from his room. His eyes scanning everyone and then he rushed towards me.


"Bella," I started, my voice struggling to keep up with the panic, " she's in-in Russia."

He looked at me confused when suddenly something strike him and he understands.

"You mean--" I didn't let him finish.

"Ready the plane." I yelled and he nodded.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my face.

"She's going to be okay, son." My mum said, rubbing my arm, "Our Bella is a strong girl. She will be alright." She said and I sighed. When I told them that Bella's been kidnapped they didn't think twice and flew all over to here. Bella's parents are already here. Her mother didn't stop crying when she knew she's in danger.

"Your mum is right son, she's a strong girl and you have to be strong for her okay?" My father said patting my back.

"I don't know, dad." I said, my heart felt like giving up. " I can't let her—"

"You won't." Mum says softly.

My eyes sting and I blinked back the tears.

"We are going to bring her back, Mahir." Xavier said, "come on."

I nodded as Xavier, Jack and Liam agreed to come with me. Mike was going to stay here at the mansion.

"Bring my daughter safe." My mum said,
"She's carrying my life in her."

"Mum," I said, letting her see my pain, "if Bella doesn't make it, then even I won't make it."

"Don't say that. You have to bring her back with yourself." Bella's mum cried softly.

"I won't come back if she isn't there with me." I said and kissed their forehead, "stay safe, alright."

Every second felt like hours when we finally reached Russia. My mind raced with all the wild thoughts. Jack informed us that they have saw a man with a woman in wheelchairs. They have feed a stupid story of the girl was unstable. The pathetic people bought the story as easily as they'd eat shit.

I told Xavier to drive to place where it all started ten years ago. He's a sick low mind would like to keep Bella where no obvious person would go.

It was an hour away from the airport. The car stopped a few blocks away from the old abandoned house. The house from which the everything started. It's the same house where Angelina body was found and Luke was getting married with Susan. Not only was the house old but the neighbouring buildings were just as vacant as the street was.

Red. All I saw was red as I walked into the deserted warehouse with high rage rushing through my veins. My blood was boiling like hot water. I was coming to kill their useless soul because they dared mess with me by taking my wife.

Jack and Xavier were walking behind me while my men in black were in the trucks surrounding the area, they came to save my wife and to show these fuckers that they had made a mistake messing with us.

"Are we clear?" I asked loading my gun.

"We are clear, Sir. Our men surrounded the whole area. Their men were all inside." Liam said.

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