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Bella's PoV

I opened my eyes slowly and immediately regretted as my head start spinning. Once again, I was tied up in a chair.

And then I heard a small beep near my chest. My eyes widen at the sight.

Bomb. I screamed as loudly as I could. There was no one and I was left with nothing but one hour of my life. My eyes blurred and I cried, I cried for my life. I hoped someone would hear my screams, I was shouting at top of my lungs. My eyes felt heavy and I cried for help.

At last, when my mouth opened only to push out a small groan, I gave up. No one was coming.

I always wondered how people on the brink of death deal with emotion. I felt it all. Happiness, sadness and every single feeling rushed to me altogether. My eyes closed and I struggle to keep them open, wanting to see this world one last time.

Now I realized how much I missed in my life. I was left heartbroken and accused of something I never did. I thought I was left alone but then a light of happiness came into my life..my son, Alex. He was everything. Living all these years alone with my son I thought it was destiny but it brought him again in my life. A man whom I happened to fall so deeply in love that it cost me everything. Would life be so much easier if I hadn't met him?

I smiled at the thought.


A small smile slipped through the tears. I hiccuped and closed my eyes, ignoring the constant beeping of the bomb attached to my chest, feeling the last moment of happiness.

His brown eyes flashed infront of my eyelids and instantly I felt my heart squeeze. Mahir, I am sorry.

I looked down at the timer and it blinked the last thirty minutes of my life. My hands strained against the ropes and I looked down at my baby.

I am sorry.

I closed my eyes and cried.

A loud thumping echoed through the silent air and I opened my eyes. Someone was shouting, yelling something.

"Bella," it was him. "Bella?" I can hear him.

It's really him.

"Mahir." I whispered in hope. I tried to speak but my mouth felt dry.

No, Mahir please leave. I wanted him to go. I can't see him hurt. Please God.

"Bella?" He yelled again and his voice was near.

I hear footsteps and look up to see him, his hands were bloodied as he scanned the surrounding and then his eyes landed on me.


Until now, I felt like dying but when I watched his distress, I wanted to not leave him.


He walked towards me. "Mahir," I called out and he stopped, "you have to run."

"What?" He asked, "what the fuck are you saying?"

"There's a —" I looked down at the timer, 15:00, "—bomb, you have to go, please."

His eyes looked at the bomb and he cursed loudly. "I'm going to save you, okay?" He whispered

I nodded, mesmerizing his beautiful face.

My Mahir

He pulled out his phone and dialled a number.

"Xavier," he spoke, "leave immediately and take that bastard with you." He spoke dangerously and hang up. He again dialled another number.

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