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A/N: hey guys I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. I was so busy in watching naagin that it slipped from my mind. And one of the reason was I'm too lazy 😆

Happy reading!!

Bella's pov

Opening and closing my eyes almost for five mins, I finally decided to take a bath. I got up from my bed and head towards bathroom. Striping my clothes I drenched myself under shower. I love the feeling of water touching my naked skin, it makes me feel alive. Events of the night comes rushing towards me. After I left them outside the hall I headed towards my home to make sure my baby is safe. I didn't know what had gotten into me but I can't loose my baby afterall he's only one left. It's been a week since I last saw him. He never tried to contact me and I didn't want him too.

"Lier, you want to see him again" my subconscious mind told me.

"No. I don't" I replied

"Really then why are you mad if he didn't contacted you?" My subconscious my snapped at me and I literally rolled my eyes.

Why the hell I'm talking to myself.

Shaking my head I wrapped a towel around my body and came out of the bathroom. I put on some strawberry lotion on my body and wore my clothes. Applying lip gloss and wearing my sandals I rushed out of my room to check on my baby.

He's still sleeping soundly so I left him be because today's his holiday. I decided to make some breakfast for me and Alex. Opening the fridge first thing I take out was orange juice and eggs.

Putting the pan on the stove I throw some eggs on it to make omelettes and toast some bread. I take another pan and fry some bacons. After finishing everything I switched it on plates and served on the dinning table.

I decided to wake up my baby first when suddenly door bell rings. Taking steps towards the door I opened it only to engulf in a hug by my crazy best friend. Vish.

"Ohh my god..I can't breathe" I stuttered still trying to catch air.

"Oh I'm so sorry Bella" she apologized and broke the hug

I finally look at her pale face. She has dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes were swollen and red due to crying.. crying? Her face has lost all the brightness. Something is definitely wrong with her.

"Are you okay?" I asked cupping her face

"I.. y-yes I'm okay" she muttered avoiding my eyes. She'd hiding something. I know when she's hiding something she didn't look into my eyes. I know her from high school. We completed our High school together. She was with me in my bad times. We were support of each other

"Come here" I ordered her to sit and I myself sat infront of her. She was fake smiling.

"What happened?" I asked again. She looked at me silently when suddenly she started crying. Oh no something is really wrong.

"Vish stop crying. You know I hate seeing you crying. Please" I pleaded hugging her. She shoved her head in my chest and sobbed.

"H-Harry.. broke up.. with m-me.." she choked on her words. I feel my blood boil by hearing her. Why the hell he broke up.

"Shhh... vish stop crying. Don't waste your tear on someone who didn't care."

After felt like hour she finally stopped. I handed her orange juice because I know she haven't eaten anything.

"I'm sorry B," she mumbled still sobbing silently.

"Don't sorry me. You are my best friend."

"Now go and wake Alex up. I need to go to office." I said to her and she left







I opened my office door and sat on my chair. I hadn't come to work since one week. I don't know why but I want my baby near me. So after eating breakfast I made sure vish stay with Alex until I come back in evening.

"Ma'am someone is here to see you."  My thought was interrupted by Maya.

"Who?" I asked confused. As per my knowledge my brother is in Africa for a charity case and Mike is busy in his meetings. He left for Manhattan two days ago.

"It's Mr Alfonsi" I choked on my own saliva. Mahir? Why the hell is he here? And how he know I work here.

"Tell him I busy" I ordered her to which she made an emotionless face.

"But he's persistent to meet you" she said and sigh in annoyance.

"Send him in" I bark and she left

After two mins I hear a soft knock on my door.


There he was standing in his full glory looking extremely handsome as usual. He was wearing black fitted shirt and blue jeans with flats. His hair was gently combed. The room is suddenly filled with his manly Cologne. His lips were soft pink. A sudden urge to kiss those soft lips were making my face hot. He was smirking but I didn't understand why then it hit me. He saw me checking him out shamelessly. I averted my eyes to his face which was now dancing in mischiev.

"Done checking me out?" He asked smirking, his voice full of amusement. Damn! Why the hell I was checking him. I wanted to dig a hole and burried my face in.

I looked away from him biting my lips to hide my now full red face. Why I always embarrassed myself infront of him?

He's going to be the death of me.


Well!! Who's pov you want in the Next Chapter??

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