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A/N: Thank you! those who vote for me and if you didn't please go and vote for me. Here's the link which will help you with. Open the link and go to
" final voting (behir) "


Happy reading!!

Bella's PoV

Next morning, time quickly passes by in blur with me doing laundry and cooking. Today is Sunday means holiday so we decided to just stay inside watching cartoons. I completed my rest of the work while Alex stay in his room playing with Vish.

In the evening I bake some cookies with Alex and Vish. He said he wanted to help me because according to him every good boy helps his mommy. Well it's his sentence not mine. By the end he have flour all over his face and we laugh quitely

"Mommy! You are laughing at your prince" Alex says to me furrowing his eyebrows making it seems like he's angry, but he's cute!

"You are not a prince, Alex" Vish say in 'duh' tone and I laugh at them. Sometime she acts like a child.

"Am I not a prince mommy?" Alex pouts

"Ofcourse you are a prince, baby" I say and he grins ear to ear then sticks his tongue out at his aunt. I laugh at the both of them. They both join me.

Our laughter is interrupted by the door bell and I wash my hands before making my way to the door. The door bell keeps ringing. Who the hell is that?

"I'm coming!" I shout and walk faster. When the door opens, I see the last person I would imagine I would see. The last person I want to see. My heart races and all the anxiety from yesterday comes back.

"Didn't expect me here, did you?" He smirks. What the problem with his smirking. I kept staring at him unable to digest the fact he is here. How the hell he knows I live here?

"Missed me" He asks and walk closer to me. I take a step back

"What are you doing here?"I ask him. He stare at me with such emotions which I couldn't pin point. His eyes show so many emotions..he looks sad, he looks as if he's regretting something, he looks vulnerable.

"Bella, I-" he start but is interrupted by little voice

"Mommy?" Alex walks into the living room where me and Mahir are standing. My eyes widen when I see both of them looking at each other.

"Hello, my name is Alex. Nice to meet you" He smiles shyly at him and walks to me and grip my leg. "Did I say it correctly, mommy?" he asks

"Yes, baby" I say and pick him up into my arms.

"Did he just call you, mommy?" Mahir's eye were wide and sad.

"Yes. He did. Gotta problem?" I snap at him.

"How could you do this to me Bella? Don't you atleast regret it?" He asks loudly. Hearing his voice Vish to walk towards us. Her eyes were wide as soccer. She look at him then at me.

"Baby can you go with aunt Vish to your room? I will be there in few mins" I say to Alex and gesture Vish to take Alex to his room. I don't want my child to see me fight with someone. He nods and I put him down on the floor. Vish held him and walk away not before giving me pity look. Once I make sure that they are inside, I turn to Mahir. His eyebrows are furrowed and he seems angry.

"What do you want Mahir? And how did you know where I live?" I ask as calmly as possible.

"First answer my question. Why did you do all that? Wasn't I enough? Wasn't I making you happy?" He asked loudly

"Keep your voice down!" I raise my voice. "It's been five years and you still believe that. I didn't do anything and I don't need to prove that to you, because I don't think I owe you any explanation?" I said and he sighs

"I know you didn't do anything" He says quietly and I furrow my eyes at him.

"The pictures I saw were....fake"

Pictures? What pictures?

"The pictures that made me think you cheated on me" He says as if he reads my mind. It makes me uncomfortable that he can read me like an open book.

"I don't care, Mahir" I say and turn away from him. His fingers wrap around my wrist and he pulls me to him making me collide with his chest. My heart is beating out of my chest and I know that Mahir can feel that against his chest. I try to wiggle out of his grip but that only make him tighten his grip on me. His arm snakes around my waist and pull me even more close, If that's possible.

"Let me go, Mahir" I say, sternly

"Not again" He says his breath is fanning
my face and his colonoge consumes me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at him which make him lose his grip around me and he let me go.

"You moved on? Why didn't you wait for me?" He asks

"I did't move on!" I said and I just realised I was sobbing.

"You have a son!" He shouts. I don't say anything and he seems to realize something. Oh no! " H-He is...is h-he mine?" He stutters and I turn away from him proving his point. He grab my arms rather harshly and I wince. He turns me around and all the sadness in his eyes replaced by anger.

"You didn't even bother to tell me? I'm his father!" He shouts.

"Why didn't yoin. I pull my hand out of his grip.

"Did you let me? Did you let me tell you the happiest news we both have been waiting for?" I ask and he remain silent. "No. You didn't. You accused me of cheating, when you were the one doing that. I did't even know where I went wrong" I sob and he still remain silent.

"All these years, I tried to put myself in your shoes and think about what I did. I thought it was my mistake that jeopardised our relationship. I blamed myself. I still don't understand what I did to make you think that I was cheating on you" I sob continuously. He takes a step forward but I step back and raise my hand to create some space." No. Stay away" I point my finger at him

"He is my son. And if you try to come into my life and take my son away from me, I won't even--"

"Why would I take him away from you? I want both of you in my life!" He says and I laugh at him

"It's five years too late, Mahir" I said hardly.

"I know. I know I fucked up big this time but I have reason to be late. But please just let me make it up to you"

"No" I say. He start to speak but I interrupted him. "Leave Mahir. Please just leave." I cried

" We will talk again" he says and comes forward to kiss my forehead. I turn away from him.

"You are all that matters to me" Those are the last words before he walks out of the door and all the tears in my body falls out.


Hmm!! Finally Mahir knows about his son!

I feel bad for him. Who else is feeling bad for him?

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