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Mahir's PoV

"I'm on my way to the hospital." Mike's words rang in my head as Leo drives to the airport. My leg is bouncing continuously and my palms were sweaty. The thought of Bella being hurt is my worst fear and it's coming true right now.

"Made it fast, Leo." I seethe.

"Sir." He continues driving through the streets.

"Nothing will happen to her." Xavier tried to calm me down but nothing is helping. I just nodded.

I call Mike once again and he answers immediately.

"Mahir, they are not saying anything right now. They are doing some tests and I can only wait for her. Don't keep calling. Come soon." He scolds me.

"Please let me know if they inform you anything. I just.."

"I know, Mahir. I understand." He says. Now I know why Bella Loves him. I mean, like a bestfriend.

"Okay thank you." I say and hang up. Leo pulls into the airport. A man comes and open my door and Xavier joins me. He gives some instruction to the man and lead me inside.

"Everything is ready, sir." My pilot said as we walk towards the gate that leads to my jet. Some people greet me but I'm too occupied to greet them back.

A car arrives and Harry, my pilot open the door for us, he sits in the passenger seat. The driver drives us to the jet and I send a text to Mike informing him about my flight.

Once in the flight, I buckle up and Xavier sits next to me. The jet starts to move and withing minutes it's in the air. I look out of the window into the beautiful sky. And my thoughts drifts to Bella. The first time I saw her....


"This one is for you man." Everyone cheers for me. We all are sitting in VIP room at gentlemen's club. I had decided to set up my own company rather than to study in a boring University.

"But Mahir, are you serious?" Jenni ask. "Dude we know you are intelligent and all but that doesn't mean you should drop out." She explains and her boyfriend, Charles nodded.

"You can't start a company without a degree." Charles said.

"Who said that??" Xavier interrupts. "A person can start a company without a degree. And I have complete faith that Mahir can do it and definitely succeed." He pats my shoulder and I smile at him.
This is the reason he's my best friend. He stands up and pulls me into a hug.

"We are with you, mate." Luke says side hugging me and I smiled at both of my best friends.

"Time to celebrate." Xavier yelled and we all walked out of the VIP room. I ordered a strong alcohol and gulped down.

"Did your father agreed?" Luke asked once everyone went on the dance floor.

"No. He wants me to inherit his company." I said gulping the remaining alcohol. I look around watching couples making out and some girls dancing like a pig. Suddenly I hear a laughter and my head snapped in that direction. I saw a girl in silver dress dancing on the floor. Anyone can see that she's ravishing just by looking at her body. But it's not her body which attracted me, it was her laughter. Normally when girls laugh or giggles just to make herself cute I scrunch my nose in disgust. But seeing this girl laughing so carefully was something I hadn't done before.

I couldn't see her face because of the crowd but I'm sure she'd beautiful. I felt a sudden churn in my heart when I saw whom she was dancing. Probably her boyfriend. I don't judge people quickly but seeing that asshole touching that girl was proving I'm right. I don't know but I want to rip his hand out of his body.

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