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Bella's pov

"Bella? Are you okay?" Christian ask me, touching my shoulder. I couldn't reply him. I'm too shocked to talk or even move.

I look at the man who break my heart five years ago. The man whom I love unconditionally. The man who cheated on me for the reason I'm unaware of. The man whom I still love.

There he was standing carefree, wearing a white button up shirt and black dress pant. He's got a tie around his neck and he looks even more handsome than I can remember. He's smiling and waving at the people as they cheer.

"Bella?" Christian calls again shaking me, this time hardly but not enough to hurt me.

"I need to leave" I said but it comes out as a whisper

"But it just started" he says

I started to run out the crowded ball. Some people drunkenly curse at me as I bump into them. I didn't even apologize because my mind was just drifting to his smiley face. I ignore everyone and make my way out.

I lean against the brick wall in the parking lot and take a deep breath. Unwanted tears started to fall out of my eyes and run down my cheeks. I cover my face with both of my palm and started sobbing.

Why I even crying? Why I'm wasting my tears on him.

I can't believe I just saw him. And all these years, when I'm actually trying to move on from him and his memories, I saw him. What if he saw me? Oh no! That can't happen. He shouldn't see me. He shouldn't.

"Bella" I'm pulled out of my thoughts when someone shakes me. I look up to see Jack. Seeing him I broke into tears once again.

"What happen baby sis?" He asked hugging me against his chest. I sobbed hard.

"What happen Bella, why are you crying?" He asked again looking at me, wiping my tears.

"I-I saw him" I stuttered

"Who? Who made you cry" he's really looking pissed off.

"Mahir" I muttered and again tears started to flow

"He's here? Why didn't anyone inform me" he asked patting my back.

"Sshh... don't cry baby sis. Common let's go home" he said dragging me to his car.

"What about Mike?" I asked

"I will inform him later." He said and I nodded. We are about to sit in the car when someone called my name.

I turned to look at the last person I wanted to see in my life. He was there looking at me with longing in his eyes. His eyes show many emotions which I couldn't pin point.

Pain? Guilt?

No! He's freaking Mahir Alfonsi who didn't show any emotions. I stare at him with anger and turn to sit in my car when again he call my name. But this time it was different.

"Princess" he called and strode his ways towards us when jack come infront of me.

"Don't you dare" Jack glared at him but he was just staring at me. As if he wanted to say so many things but words aren't coming out of his mouth.

He's back. After five years he's again back to break my heart. Isn't it enough of him. He accused me of something that I didn't do. He cheated on me and broke my heart into million pieces.

Why is he even here? Did he know? No! He can't. What if he take him from me. He's here for my son. He knows it. I can't loose my son. I can't.

Throwing that though out of my mind I rushed towards my car and started the engine. I didn't bother to say anything. Jack and Mahir was calling my name but I was too far to say anything.

I want to see my son.


I know it's short but next pov will be of Mahir. So if you really want the next chapter then show me.

I didn't satisfied with your responses but still I updated when I got time. But now if you really wanted the next chapter show me how much you want it..


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