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Bella's PoV

"Honey wake up." I try to wake Alex as he groans and curls up smaller under the sheets. I smile and shake my head.
"It's your birthday baby. Get up." I say again. At the mention of his birthday, he sits up on the bed and claps his hands in glee.

I got discharged from hospital one week ago and I'm now perfectly fine except of some bruises and slight pain in my head. Docter said it's fine to have head ache for few weeks. Whole week Mahir took care of me and our son. He cook breakfast for us and drive Alex to his school. His parents are still leaving with us because they didn't want to miss their grandson Birthday. According to him he already wasted five years of his grandson because of their asshole son, their words not mine.

"It's my birthday!" He says, excitedly making me chuckle.

"Happy birthday baby." I said and wrapped my arms around him and hug him close to my chest as I kissed his chubby cheeks. He giggles and kisses me back.

"Come on. Let's take a shower now." I said carried him to the bathroom, despite his protest. He wanted to open the gifts first. After showering and dressing him up in his clothes we both make our way downstairs. Marco and Vanessa are sitting on the couch watching news while Mahir was standing by the window, talking on his phone.

"Happy Birthday, little man." Mahir wishes carrying him and kisses his cheeks as he thank him with a big smile on his face.

"This is my first birthday with you, daddy." Alex says with a grin and Mahir nodded smiling widely and kneels infront of him.

"And I hope this will be your best birthday ever " he says, smiling lovingly at him.

Alex walks towards his grandparents and Marco and Vanessa wish him and kissed his head. Mahir stands up walk towards me.

"Hi." He breathes and smiles at me.

"Good morning." I greeted him back, with a smile on my face.

"I invited your parents, Jack, vish and Mike. We are gonna having a family lunch and then, we are going somewhere." He said smiling.

"Where are we going? And we mean?" I asked him.

"That's a surprise. You me and Alex." He replies. I furrows my eyebrows at him and he smiles shaking his head.
"I'm not telling you where we are going." He says, I pout and sigh. He lean down and my breath hitches. He kisses my cheeks down to my lips and leaves his lips there for a few seconds before pulling away. My cheeks heat up and I try to say something.

"Where's Xavier?" I asked him, avoiding the topic. He smirked knowingly.

"He's arranging something. He will be on time with his girlfriend, don't worry." He spoke.

"Mommy! Where are my gifts?" Alex voice interrupted us.

"You gets gifts every where." I teased him as I walk into the kitchen.

"It's my birthday, I want gifts." He pouts, following me into the kitchen. He wraps his arm around my legs.

"Mommy!" He gives me his puppy dog eyes that I can't resist and he knows it.

"Okay, fine." I sigh in defeat and he squealed in delight. "But you have to wait. You need to finish your breakfast first." I say and he pouts but shrugs. I placed the cheese toast I made on the table and serve them in the plates. Marco and Vanessa join us.

"Vanessa and me are going out for breakfast. You know, some alone time?" Marco says wrapping his arms around her waist and winks at her. I laugh while Mahir shakes his head at his parents but he has a smile on his face.

"Have fun." I grin and they both smile before they walk out of the kitchen then the house. I serve Mahir some toast as he sits at the head of the table. He smiles at me as I place the plates in front of him.
"Eat." I commanded. He smirkes at me before digging in.

"Um..can I ask you something?" I ask him as I sit at the table adjacent to him and he looks at him before nodding.
"Can I um.. invite.. Christian?" I asked testing the word. It's not like I'm taking his permission to invitemy friend to my house. We both know he hated him and I don't want him to create any scene when he's here and ruin the day.

"What?" He asked again to make sure he heard right?

"I want to Christian. He's my friend and he wanted to meet Alex." I explained. He drop his knife and folk and turns to me. His face tell me he doesn't want me to invite him.

"Why are you asking? This is your house." He says.

"I don't want to ruin Alex's say. If yo--" interrupted me.

"You can invite him." He sigh and I look at him like 'are you sure?' and he sighs again before picking the folk and knife and start eating. His face held no emotion and it means he's planning something.

"What's in your head?" I asked curiously. He stop eating and look up to see me. "How you know I have something in my head?" He asked amusing.

"I know you, Mahir." I said the fact.

"You can invite him if you want but don't expect me to be nice to him." He said finality in his voice before leaving.

Why he's so against of him? He didn't even know him. Something is really eating him out and I need to find out what. As for now I know, he didn't agreed on something before planning. He must have hired people guarding outside of our house.

I look outside of the window and found few mens in black suit running their eyes everywhere. I saw another man inside a black car talking on phone. I spotted Mahir talking to Nathan, he's expression was hard to read but one thing was sure he's hiding something.

And I want to know what!


How's the chapter guys? I hope I didn't disappoint you?

Are you guys excited for the new story?

I'm going to post it tomorrow morning. So be ready!

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