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A/N: Trust me I'm very lazy. Sorry for making you guys wait for so long. I don't have particular reason to be late. I just don't feel like updating. Hope you excuse my mistake.

I have a request guys, please vote for my book 'Behir OS and TS' on "cherish fan awards."  Go to the page and vote for me. Will you? And if any of you didn't read then feel free to do.

I will really appreciate if you guys vote. In return I will give you a update tomorrow. Pretty please 🤗

Bella's PoV

"Hey baby sis" came a quiet cheerful voice. I stared at him with confusing gaze. Jack is standing infront of me with smile on his face. Why is he here? No! No it's not like I don't like him here. It's just that he never show up his face until he has a important topic to discuss.

"Hey Jack" I said hugging him.

"Uncle Jack! Uncle Jack" my almost four year son shouted.

"Hey little monster" jack said and Carried him on his hip. My brother is so in love with my son. They are inseparable. There's 75% chance that my brother spoil my baby.

"Guess what little monster, uncle Jack has bought something for you" jack said tickling him as we all headed towards living room. My house is not so big but normal enough for me and my baby to play hide and seek.

"Really?" Alex squealed in happiness clapping his hand together. He's so energetic for a almost four year kid.

"Here you go" jack handed him a big packet. How come I didn't see that packet?

Alex opened the packet to reveal the big set of Avengers toy set. Oh my god he just bought the whole avengers team. Alex always had a liking towards Avengers. This boy love Avengers than anything else.

"Yeyy!! Mommy see uncle Jack bought Iron Man" Alex shouted showing me his toys. He started playing with it leaving me and Jack in living room. The tension between us rises

"How you have been?" He asked breaking the silence. I don't know why but his questions seems to make another question.

"I have been good. What about you?" I asked normally

"Good" he simply shrugged his shoulder tapping his foot on the floor. He does this things when something is bothering him.

"Stop tapping your leg and tell me what's bothering you?" I asked clearly irritated with his behaviour.

"I heard he came to visit you?" He finally spill the bean. Wow. Just wow my own brother came to ask me this?  Jerk!

"He did. How the hell you know? Are you spying on me?" I burst on him with my questions.

"Jeez.. one question at a time, okay?" He said and I calmed down a bit

"Answer to your first question, Maya told me. Second, no I'm not spying on you" he said

"Wait Maya. Don't tell me you guys are fucking each other. You know jack I can't tolerate more if you keep fucking my employees" I said frustrated by his playboy behaviour.

My brother is top most playboy when it comes to girls. According to him he don't do girlfriends. He just changes girls like clothes.

"No we are not screwing. It just that I have slightest of idea of his next step" he said standing up adjusting his Armani suit. Did I told you how handsome my brother is? Well he is.

"Okay" I muttered still looking down

"Bella I think you should hear him out" jack said taken me by surprise. Did I hear correct? My brother wants me to hear him out?

"What the hell you are talking about? You was there when I cried for him all night but he didn't show up. You was there when I give birth to Alex. He didn't even tried to contact me. He ditched me like I was a piece of shit and here you are saying me hear him out? Are you Insane Mr Jack William Grayson?" At the end I was crying mess. I have a crying problem since I was ten. It's been five years but the that incident is still fresh in the back of my mind.

"Hey I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to hurt you. Okay fine forget it. I'm sorry" he sat beside me wiping my tears. We are sitting in silence when my someone knocked on my door. I headed towards the door thinking who might be. I opened the door revealing my bestfriend.

"Hey" she said

"Hi" I said and gesture her to come inside. We walked towards the living room where my brother was typing something on his phone.

"Who's there?" He asked, his focus was still on his phone.

"It's vish" the moment I said her name he snapped his head up looking at her.

"Hi j-jack" she said avoiding his gaze. Did my bestfriend just stuttered in front of by brother. The way she stuttered it's clear she still has a crush on my brother. She was 14 when she told me she had a crush on my brother and being a good friend I didn't tell that secret to him.

"Hello" he said and standing up shoving his hands in pocket.

"I have to go it's too late. Take care baby sis." He said kissing my forehead and left saying good night to vish making her blush. Oh god!

"What's he doing here?" She asked the moment he left. My bestfriend is back.

"Casually" I shrugged sitting on couch eating the left over pizza

"Don't ignore it. I know Jack didn't show up if there's nothing important. Now tell me what's it" she said and she's correct. Confirm number two she still has crush on him. I told her everything from office incident to my brother so called ' hear him out' quote. She kept quite after I finished explaining her. I waited impatiently to hear her.

"I think he's right." Finally she said and here I think she's my bestfriend. Seriously she too think I should hear him out?

"What?" I asked upset with her answer. I think she's my bestfriend. I thought she will be on my side

"Listen I really feel you should hear him out. You know may be has a reason for doing that to you" she said normally as if she didn't say anything stupidest.

"Are you sure you are my bestfriend? I think you didn't hear me, he kicked me out of his house and tell me to sign the damn divorce papers. He brought that bitch and kissed her infront of me. And you guys want me to hear him out" I said all this in one breath. I'm beyond angry with this two. They're supposed to help me with this situation but they're taking his side.

"Bella I'm not telling you to forgive him. You just need to hear his side of story. Don't judge any person when you didn't know the reason." She said seriously looking at me in eyes.

"Reason? Don't you know he accused me of something I hadn't done" I yelled but not loud to hear Alex.

"I'm sorry B. Let's just do something else. Will you?" She asked and I nodded.

I bathed Alex and make him sleep in his room. Later me and Vish stayed till night watching Netflix and eating pizza.


Tell me how was the story?

Vote and comment because I love reading your comments ♥️

And do vote for me on "cherish fan awards". Go to 'nominating (behir)'  in 'Best TS' section. If you guys have any confusion DM me I'm always free for you all.

Much love ♥️

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