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***WARNING!!! This chapter has a mature content! read at your own risk.***

"welcome to HEAVEN." He whispered against my ear causing a shiver to passed through my veins.

I thought only the exterior of this hotel was expensive but it's interior is more sophisticated and stunning than I imagined. It's breathtaking. How in the hell he found this sophisticated yet beautiful hotel.

"Shall we?" He asked taking his hand out for me. I put my hand on his as we both walked towards the table which is fully decorated with roses and candles. He pulled a chair for me as I sat down muttering a thank you to him.

I look around enjoying the view of the beautiful city through the huge glass window. My eyes widen when I saw what's in the right side. It was a very beautiful tent decorated with fairy lights and roses. This is so amazing!

He did this for me!

"It's breathtaking, Mahir. I loved it." I smiled widely at me.

"I'm glad you loved it." He said smiling at me. The love and care in his eyes make me feel special and wanted.

"Where do you find this place? It's absolutely perfect." I exclaimed looking at him. He smirked.

"What you like to eat?" He asked glancing at me. I look down to the menu when a waiter comes holding a bottle of champagne.

"Good evening. I'm Antonio, your waiter for today." He said looking at me with his smile. I smiled at him causing him to blush. What? Did he just blushed? I grinned looking at his flushed face when I heard a clearing throat. Mahir face was fuming with anger but he control himself..

"I will order a medium steak with salads." He said sternly without looking at him. Oh my husband is jealous! I giggled silently but he heard me causing him to glare at me.

"And what this beautiful lady will like to order?" He asked with his cute accent and I smiled at him.

"Well I would like to have spaghetti with steamed mussels." I said glancing at the menu.

"And what about the drinks?" He asked

"Red wine." I was about to say when Mahir spoke dangerously. I look up to see the waiter gulp in fear.

"I will come up with drinks." He said and rushed without waiting. Poor boy.

"You scared the poor boy." I said rolling my eyes.

"He was taking what's mine and I can't let that happen." He said dead seriously. I didn't say anything and look away.

My husband is possessive.

There was a complete silent when I decided to broke it.

"I want to ask something?" I said looking at him. He look at me telling me to continue.

"What happened to your father?" I asked the question which was disturbing me from the moment I heard. He looked zoned out for a second when I put my hand on his.

"He was suffering from Leaukmenia. But don't worry everything is under control, he's absolutely fine now. He was in second stage when his health disturbed. We rushed him to the hospital and docters said they need to put him under observation. It took him three years to fully recovered himself." He said not showing any hint of pain but I saw it in his eyes. No matter how hard he tried to fool people but he can't fool me.

"That's the reason which took me longer than decided to come to you." He said putting his hand on mine. I squeezed his hand assuring him that everything is fine. I felt relief to know that he didn't come to me because he was believing the lies but he was with his father taking care of him.

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