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Mahir PoV

"Where are we going daddy?" Alex ask as I buckle him up in the back seat.

Bella has left to work an hour ago and warned me to take good care of Alex. She gave me a set of rules if I'm taking him out. No icecream, no candy, and no more toys. She kissed Alex and then me before leaving and I was smiling like a love sick puppy.

"I am planning something for your mommy and I need your help." I kiss Alex's head before shutting the door. I  Iook at him through the window and he's smiling widely at me. I walk around the car and sit in the passenger seat as Nathan start the car. I already gave Leo a week leave. I buckle myself and Nathan starts to drive. I turn to look at my son and he's enjoying the view of outside. I smiled and turn back.

"Sir?" Nathan says and grabs my attention.

"Yes?" I ask and look at him.

"If you don't mind can I ask when are we heading back to New York?" He asks

The thought of going back to New York without Bella was drenching my heart and I didn't know what to do until this morning. I want her back in my home with our son. I want to have a happy family that I always wanted with her.

"Let's hope it will be soon." I smile lightly and he furrowed his eyebrows but doesn't question anymore. My phone rings in my pocket and I shift lightly to pull it out. Xavier's name flashes in the screen and I answer the call.

"Xavier, how are you?" I greeted him

"I am good, man. How about you?" He asked and I reply with a 'good'.

"I am sorry to say this M, but you need to come back to New York." He says and my heart falls in my stomach. "The deal with Greys has been on hold for so long and they are saying we only have two days time until we decide what we want to do." He explains.

"Damn it." I cursed quitely. "What are our benefits from this deal?" I ask him.

"Well...for starters we get two million. It's beneficial for expanding your business in India and Sri Lanka." He paused. "And I think we should sign it." He suggested.

"Okay. Mail me the documents and I will scan them, sign and send them back to you." I said. There's no way I'm leaving my family here and going. Not even for a day.

"If I could have done that, I wouldn't have called you." He says. " I already signed it and you have to sign in their presence. You have to come New York."  He stresses the word. " I know you well enough that you don't want to leave Bella and your son and come here. But it's just for a day and you can go back after three meetings." He said

"Fine I will be there by noon. I will start in the morning " I sigh heavily. He gives me an okay and hands up after saying goodbye to each other.

"We are going to New York in the morning and coming back after the meeting is done. Inform my pilot and tell him to get my jet ready in the morning." I said to Nathan.

"Sir." He nods and pulls infront of the mall. I get out and so does Nathan. Once Alex is unbuckled, I ask Nathan to park the car and meet us at Tiffany's. I grab Alex's hand and walk inside with him.

"Daddy. What are we doing in the mall?" He groans. "I hate them." He pouts and I can't help but chuckle. He's so like me. Even I hate malls and shopping but which man doesn't? But I have to do this for Bella.

"Because we are going to buy your mum
some stuff because, I am going to take her out." I pull him inside and he giggle loudly and I smile.

This is going to be a very long day.

Bella's PoV

"Mail me all the documents and I will sign them. Make sure we present the best." I said to my assistant. She nods before leaving my office. It's been four hours since I'm working in a special project and I hadn't stop for a break. This project is very important. Mahir took Alex for outing and I couldn't say no to him. He wanted to spend some time with his son and it's good for them.

I was checking all the mails when a knock interrupted me.


"Mis..um sorry Mrs Alfonsi there's a man on call. He's saying he want to have a talk with you." She said nervously and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why someone need to talk?

"Okay. Forward the call and Maya it's still Miss Grayson in my work. I don't want to change anything." I said smiling.

"Miss Grayson." She nodded before leaving my office.

I took the phone and waited for someone to speak.

"Hello? Who are you?" I ask when I heard no answer.

"Grayson." I heard deep and cold voice which is very familiar but I couldn't recognise who is that.

"That's me. Who are you?" I asked once again.

"No need to worry sweetheart. You will get to know soon." He said and laughed. His voice was clearly irritating me.

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion and waited for him to speak.

"I'm coming for you." He said before hanging the phone. His last word send shiver down to my spine in a different way.

What the hell just happened? Is someone pranking on me? Who that person might be? His voice was so familiar but I couldn't recognise who's voice is.

I was so caught up in my thought that I didn't know when my intercom ring.

"Yes Maya." I asked

"There's someone who want to see you." She said

Now who's this? Are they playing with me?

"Send him" I ordered

"Hey pumpkin." I heard a deep voice and look up to see the man I hadn't seen in five years. I couldn't believe my eyes that he's here.

"Xavier." I sequel and leap up to my feet and run to hug him. His arm wrap around my shoulders as mine wrap around his torso.

"Oh my god, I missed you, Xavier." I cry into his shoulder. I hear his laugh before he replies me.

"I missed you too, little pumpkin." He says and pulls away. "It's good to see you again." He says

"Yes it is" I said and smiles widely.

"What are you doing here? I mean I heard you were in New York." I asked as we both settled in the couch.

"Your husband need to sign some paper work. He need to go back to New York for a day." He said making me frown. Why Mahir didn't tell me?

"I just called him today morning, he didn't want to leave you or your son but it's important for him to sign. So I'm here to took care of you both until he come back." He said smiling

"Did he know?" I asked

"What? No. He didn't. I already signed the papers but his sign is important to finalize everything, we have just two days. I thought to make his work easy." He said

"That's good." I smiled widely.

"Yep. I going to spoil my nephew." He said and I hit him playfully.

It's good to have him here. He's the only man I could trust more beside Mahir. They are bestfriend from childhood. Though Mahir act coldly towards him we all know how much he love his bestfriend.


Hope I didn't disappoint you guys?

Here's the next chapter. Looking forward for your reviews 🤗

Much Love,

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