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Bella's PoV

Before I could even realize what I was doing, his head come closer to mine because I was so caught up in the fact that I could feel his erection, his head lean down and connect our lips in a kiss.
I just fisted my hand in his t-shirt as one of his hands tangled in my hair and the other squeezed my hip.

The amazing tingles from our kiss elicited a moan from me at the same time Mahir released a groan. He deepened the kiss by biting my lip and sliding his tongue into my mouth. I moaned at the feeling and Mahir groaned as well. I could feel his member growing harder as we kissed.

He moved the hand on my hip up to my face and pulled my face up a bit more. He stared at me as if I'm the most beautiful woman on the earth. I turned around and lean my head in his chest facing the beautiful sky from the window.

"I'm sorry, Bella" he says and for a second I get confused why is he apologising. I look up to see his eyes are closed.
"I'm sorry for everything I have done." He says again and I realised he's talking about the night. I look down at our intertwined fingers. " I was so stupid, jealous and....and hurt." He whispers the last part.

"I know I put so much damage in your heart but I can fix it if you will let me" he says. He make me turn around and looks into my eyes and for the first time in a long time, I see care and pure love in his eyes.

He slowly leans in and my eyes flutter before closing and I can feel his breath on my face. His lips slightly brush mine and he says "please."

Before I can reply he places his lip on mine completely and kisses me with all his heart or so it feels. It feels like heaven to kiss him again. He pulls away slightly.

"Please give me another chance." He whispers against my lips.

I don't know what to do. It feels so wrong as well as good at the same time. I still love him and I know he does too. I can see it but I can't get over the fact that he made me leave him and thought I would hurt him.

"I should have known that you would never hurt me that way but I was blinded by jealousy and I couldn't take it. I couldn't imagine losing you buy either way I lost you for five years. And I can't go another day to be this close to you and not be able to call you mine."

"I love you Bella. I will always love you." He kisses me again and swipes his tongue on my bottom lip asking me for entrance. I open my mouth and grant him the entrance and he slips his tongue inside my mouth. He continues to kiss me until we both are breathless. He pulls away from me and I breath heavily. I notice my arms around his neck and my chest against his.

When did we get so close to each other?

"I love you Bella. Just give me another chance." He cups my face in his large warm hands. I sigh

"Okay" I say. I know I shouldn't be doing this after everything he did. But I love him and I want him in mine and our son's life. He need his father and....and I need him.

"What? Really?" He asked as he smiles ear to ear.

"Yes" I whisper. "But this is your last chance. I can't go through another heartbreak." I say.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this. I promise to never hurt you Bella. I love you so much." He says and I see tears in his eyes. He kisses me again and this time I kiss him back with passion.


He was kissing me with so much urgency as if he stop I would disappear. He pinned me to the wall and roamed his hands inside my shirt.

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