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Bella's PoV

I start to chop the vegetables and jump when I hear a voice behind me.

"Need some help?" Mahir is behind me and when I turn back we both are so close. I turn my head away and ignore the heat that is rising in my body.

"It's okay I can manage." I say

"I want to." He says and pushes me to the other side and start to chop the veggies. I roll my eyes at him and open the cupboard to pull out the floor for the cake. "I know you rolled your eyes." He chuckled. I smile at him.

The next two hours pass quickly as Mahir and I prepared the three course meal. I'm pretty surprised that the meals look good and smells good. I hope it tastes good as well.

There is knock on the door and I nod at Mahir before going to open the door. I glance at Alex and he was continuing watching toy story. I opened the door to reveal Xavier and his girlfriend, Sophia.

He immediately pulls me into a hug and squeezed the life out of me.

"Keep your fucking hands off from my wife." We all heard a very angry voice. Xavier quickly pulled out as we look behind to see Mahir who was fuming.

"Comeon man." Xavier shrugs and walk towards to pull him into a hug. He didn't seems feared with him. Mahir punched him making him groan. I laughed at both of them when Alex come running to us.

"Happy birthday little man." Xavier said in baby voice as Alex giggles. Sophia to wished him.

The next hour passes quickly as everybody enter except Christian. We all gathered in the living room laughing and enjoying when I got a call. I excused myself from them and pick the call.

"Hey, Bella." Christian cheered on the phone.

"Christian, where are you?" I asked

"Sorry I won't be able to make to the lunch. I have an important meeting to attend with my boss and I can't skip it." He sigh

"Oh, it's okay." I assure him.

"Wish him on behalf of me. Bye." I hand up after I say a quick yes. I walk back to the living room and announce that Christian isn't coming.

From the corner of my eyes, I see Mahir sigh happily and I look at Xavier who was smirking. I ignore it and we all continue to talk while Vanessa and my mom was watching TV with Alex. There's a knock on the door, disturbing our laughter. I open the door revealing Jack and... vish? Oh they are together.

It's been a week since the I meet them. The last time I saw them was in his office while they were making out. Vish look at me with 'tell you later' look. I nodded at her as they both entered.

"Uncle Jack." Alex exclaimed running towards Jack as he picked Alex up in his arm.

"Happy birthday my baby." Jack said kissing his cheek and he giggled.

"Happy birthday, buddy." Vish wished  tickling him. He laughed loud clenching his stomach.

Lunch goes pretty well with all the family and friends around. I feel really happy. Every year, on this day, it was just me and Alex at my parents house with Jack and Mike, sometimes vish join us.
But now, with all this people around us, Mahir being here for our son is something very good. Alex is very happy and theirs nothing that makes me happier than I'm right now. It feels good to to have everyone around.

"You okay?" Vish asked standing behind me. I'm currently washing dishes while everyone is watching TV.

"Yeah." I said and continue doing my work.

"Hey..um sorry. I wanted to tell you but thought you will get mad at me." She said after minutes of silence.

"Oh as if I'm not mad right now." I snapped at her and turn to look at her.

"You are supposed to share everything with me but no you was busy in fucking my brother." I said angrily when I heard a sob. I turn to look saw crying.

"Hey, why are you crying?" I quickly washed my hands wrap my arms around her.

"I..am sorry Bella. I didn't know myself that what we are." She sobbed hugging me tightly. I rub her back trying to stop her from crying.

"What happened? Tell me everything." I said sternly and she nodded.

"You remember when you asked me to give some filed to your brother?" She asked and I think hard what she was talking when I remember.

"Yeah I remember. I asked you to deliver some files to my brother's office because I was in Alex's school." I said but still didn't understand what she meant.

"I went his office to give him that file but things turn out opposite when he suddenly kissed me. I was shocked but still responded." She said looking away.

"You know how much I feel for him. It didn't took me long to give in to him. I confronted him the other day and he said he liked me." She continued and squeezed her hand telling her to continue.

"That day when you saw me with him I wanted to clear everything about us. He said he didn't do relationship but he wanted to try. I was so overwhelmed that I didn't realise I forgot to tell you."

"I'm sorry Bella. It's just that I was too confused, I didn't know what to do. I thought you will get mad at me." She said looking at me.

"Why would I do that? I know how much you like my brother. I'm just worried about you. You know him. I don't want him to hurt you because if he did I don't think twice before killing him." I said and she chuckled wiping her tears.

"You are not mad?"she asked looking at me with hope.

"No. I'm so happy for you."I said hugging her. I always wanted her for my brother because I know she can change me. But I'm afraid for thr consequences. I don't want her to get hurt in the end. I know my brother very well. I just hope he really feels for her and won't do anything to make me cut his dick.

And I don't care he's my brother or not I will kill everyone who will hurt my bestfriend.


I'm sorry for being late, I'm just not feeling like to update. I thought you guys like the story but seeing your responses it gets clear that it was not worth much. I was so excited to share the story with everyone but now I don't think I should update the next chapter.

I already mentioned it. "Your responses towards the story is the key to increase the chapters." 

I was really not in the mood to update this story but I did.

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