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Bella's PoV

I'm in a white room. Everything is white around me and there's a mirror on the wall. I see myself in the mirror, my face is pale, eyes dull and my body weak. I don't know what happened to me but all I want to do right now is to sleep forever.

"Hello, Bella." I hear someone behind me. I turn around but all I see is his body, no face. It's like the person is covering his face with the mask. "I will destroy him." He says and I shake in fear and the person starts to laugh loudly making me wince. I shut my ear and shout.

"Stop! Stop!" I keep shouting "please stop." I cry out loud.

"Bella." Someone shaking me to wake me up. My eyes open all of a sudden and my breathing is uneven.
"Bella? What's wrong? What happened?" It's Mahir. I breath heavily and clutched on to Mahir's arm.

"He- He." I stutter

"He? Who? What is it Bella?" He cups my cheeks and make me look into his eyes. "What's wrong, princess?" He ask again. I sigh heavily.

"Just a bad dream." I whisper softly. He sits next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me to him.

"You are safe. You are here with me." He kisses my head and I snuggle close to him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Why am I in the hospital?" I ask when I realise that I'm on a hospital bed. "What happened?"

"I was trying to reach you but you weren't answering the calls. So I asked Mike to check on you." His arm tighten around me. "He says you were unconscious and on the kitchen floor."
He explains. "He bought you here."

Now, I remembered what happened. I got a text, an anonymous text then Mahir sent some flowers, then someone call me. Who was it? What do they want?

"There is something I need to tell you?" He says pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up at him and see a wide smile on his face.

"What?" I ask. He smiles again and kisses my head before answering.

"You're pregnant." He says, making the world stop. My mouth is on the floor as the words leaves his mouth and an uneasy feeling in my gut raises. He noticed my shocked expression and his smiles fades away. "What's wrong?" He ask.

"I-I'm pregnant?" I ask again, just to make sure I heard him right. "We are going to have another baby?" I ask.

"Yes?" He says but it comes out as a question. "Aren't you happy?" He ask as he sees no smile on my face.

"I-I," I'm left speechless. He pulls away from me.

I'm happy that I'm going to have another baby, another source of my happiness, another light in my life but I'm way more scared than me being happy. I'm scared of...I don't know, but I'm so scared. Maybe I'm going back down the memory lane of not being with my husband at the time of my fist ever pregnancy.

"Princess," Mahir cups my cheeks. "I know what you are thinking right now." He says. "I know you are scared. I know that you are thinking of the time when....when I made you leave me. I know you, Bella. But," he pauses.

"I promise you that you will never face that situation again. I will never leave you, no matter what. And I promise to trust you and gain your trust again. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life." He breathes "I love you, Bella. And it's a promise that I will take care of you and our kids." He leans in and presses his lip on mine, sealing his promise. I kiss him back as the tears are streaming down my cheeks.

The way he said the word, made me feel better. It made me feel stronger than before, and I'm happy he's here right now. I love him so much. Despite whatever he's done in the past. I will always love him.

"I love you, too, Mahir." I sob.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying baby? Please don't cry." He pulls me to him again. "I can't see you cry, baby. Please don't cry." He kisses my head.

"I love you, Mahir. I love you so much." I sob. "And I'm happy about this baby. I was just... scared. But now, you are here that's all I want."I wrap my arm around him and peck his neck.

"I love you, too. More than anything." He pulls me into him. I lay me head on his chest. Before I know it, I fall asleep peacefully, without any nightmare.

"Wakey Wakey." I feel soft hand caresses my cheek. I smile softly as I recognise the voice of my little baby. I open my eyes.
"Good morning, mommy." He smiles widely showing his teeth.

"My baby." I sit up and pulls him on me and kisses his head making him giggle. He sits on my thighs placing his thighs next to mine. "How are you?" I brush my hand through his hair.

"I'm good, mommy. How are you?" He lays his head on my chest.

"Good." I kiss his head. "Where is your dad?" I ask him.

"He went with uncle Mike to get some food. I wanted to be with you." He snuggles closer to me and I smile. I kiss his cheeks.

"Hello, there." I hear Mahir voice and saw him walking towards us holding a tray of food. He walks towards the bed and lean down to kiss me. As his lips land on mine, I hear giggles next to me. I pull away from Mahir and see that Alex is laughing at us.

"What are you laughing at?" Mahir narrows his eyes. He just cover his mouth with his and laugh at him. Mahir places the tray on the table next to the bed and pulls Alex off my lap and throws him on his shoulder. He starts to tickle him and Alex's laughter fills the room.

We all are laughing, we all are actually happy. I got my husband back, my son got his dad and most of all, we all got a happy family.

My happy family.

Welcome to the family my angel.


I think I expect some gifts because I'm updating regularly. Don't you think? 🤔

Just kidding. The love you guys so to my story is the best gift and I really don't want anything else. Just vote and comment for this chapter.

This story has reach its end. Few more chapters left.

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