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Bella's PoV

My head was pounding like someone was banging on it making me groaned in pain. I felt like I was experiencing a morning hangover after a wild night. But, then again I rarely drink and I was pregnant I couldn't drinking any alcohol at all.

I slowly opened my eyes letting out a small groan as a bright light hit into it. I tried to move my body just to realized that I was tied up and a cloth was in my mouth.

Shit! I was kidnapped.

I scanned the almost dark room with a single little window above my head. I was tied up in a corner of room on a old chair. It was dirty and rather disgusting I could even smell the fresh blood in the air.

"Where the fuck am I ?" I growled lowly under my breath after spatting the disgusting cloth out of my mouth.

My baby. A realization hit me as I tried to feel my bump wanting to know if my child was okay, wondering if they had found out about it. But, then again I'm not showing yet.

"Ah! You are awake." A familiar mascular voice hit my eyes making me snapped my head to left.

The person turned the switch on creating light in a small room. I shut my eyes for a second before opening them back after the burning sensation from the sudden bright light was gone.

I snapped my head up only to met with a familiar face I haven't seen at all this passed week.

"Christian" I muttered not believing my eyes

I gasped in shock as I realise Christian was the one behind all this mess but why?

"Christian?" I say not actually believing what I'm seeing. "W-what...h-how... why?" I sob uncontrollably.

"Hi Bella. How are you feeling?" He asked as he sits on the floor, right in front of me. I try to move backward to create some space between us but it's of no use because I can't even move a muscle.

"What are you doing? Why am I here? Let me go!" I scream at him as tears fall out of my eyes. He stared at me with no emotion on his face. "Let me go!" I screamed once again. His hand comes flying down to my face as he smacks me against my cheek.

"Listen to me carefully. You are here because I want you to be mine. That Alfonsi bastard had ruined everything for me. And it's time to ruin him." He says through gritted teeth.

When Mahir ruined him? I know Mahir hated his guts but he never done anything to harm someone.

"What the hell are you saying?" I yelled getting irritated. He chuckled making me anger more. He then did something I wasn't expecting. He remove the lenses from his eyes and remove the...What the fuck? Did he just remove his hair?

He was fake from the beginning. Mahir was right, he was always right. He tried to make me understand but I was stupid not to understand him.

Now when I look at the man infront of me, he looked different not the Christian I know. His black eyes changed into blue ones. His curly brown hair changed into blond silky one. Is it he's real face?

Who the hell is he?

As if on reading my mind, be spoke.

"You still didn't know. Okay...let's get this from the starting." He said and cleared his throat.

Okay. This is really confusing. The man whom I assume to be my friend is actually a man in disguise. And moreover he kidnapped me.

"Who the fuck are you?" I screamed scanning the man who just appears infront of me.

"I assume husband dearest never talked about his best mate. It is nice to meet you Mrs Alfonsi ,the name is Luke William." He said smirking and I felt like my heart would pop out any moment our of my ribcage. Is he the same Luke? Oh my god! He saw the fear in my eyes and he fucking smirked. Nerve of this guy!

Okay it's time to play back.

"Pleasure is all mine. My husband talked a lot about you." I said flashing a smile.

"All the good things I hope?" He smirked lightening his cigarette before putting in his mouth.

Damn it. I couldn't even tell him not to smoke around a pregnant woman.

"Like you had done any good things." I rolled my eyes at him.

And boy that didn't amuse him at all. He seems to grow with anger and rages as he grabbed my chin harshly into his hand giving a more close view of his face.

"Why I'm here?" I asked

"He killed two of my women. And, now I'm going to kill his, so my wife and sister soul could rest." He says pushing my chin out of his grip.

"It wasn't his fault that your sister and wife died. He didn't kill any of them. They commited suicide or are you too dumb to notice?" I snapped making him even more angry.

"Shut the fuck up. My wife and sister died because of that bastard husband of yours." He barked slapping my cheeks.

My head banged against the wall as a sharp pain shot through my left cheek.

"My husband is going to make you regret your life He is going to find me." I spat in his face.

"The only reason he is coming to my territory is to watch me kill you." He laughed making me cringe lightly.

Territory? Where I am?

"Where I am?" I asked

"From where everything started. You are in Russia." He said cocking his eyebrows.

My whole blood froze hearing him say that. I'm in a different country. He fucking brought me to a whole new country.

"You fucking brought me to a Russia?" I yelled angrily.

But this time my face was no longer met with a slap but a hard punch. He continued to beat me up repeatedly. This horrible man messed up my face. I could feel all the bruises and cuts while blood was dripping down my head and out of my mouth. Although I could take this beating again if it meant that he would not touch my stomach.

"I pity the woman who raised you. I pity the man who created you. They must be heartbroken, their son is a disgrace to all male species because no real man raised his hand on a woman." I snapped.

"Luke William, you are no better than the dirt I walk on." I snapped again.

"You bitch. I thought I will made your death easier but I guess you don't want that." He says smirking. Did he think he can scare me? I laughed. A heartful laugh. And spatted my blood on his face.

"Cherish your last moment on this earth, Luke William. Because once my husband found me, he will destroy your whole existence."


Shout out to this woman!!

Jesus, she's fire.

Any woman in place of her would freak out when she know she's kidnapped and moreover she's carrying a child but she..she didn't. Because she know no matter how powerful and dangerous man Luke was, her husband will save her.

She showed him that's she's worth Mrs Alfonsi...

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