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Bella's PoV

It's around six in the evening and everybody left the house. Even Vanessa and Marco left the house as they wanted to spend some time with my parents and do all the rebonding. Alex is opening his gifts he got from all the guests and I'm doing the packing Mahir asked me to.

"Princess! We need to leave." Mahir calls from downstairs. I smile at the endearment and pack my make up stuff.
"Bella." He calls again.

"Coming." I said carrying the bag down

"Finally." He says and collect the bag from me and hand it to Nathan. Alex is all set, wearing shoes and jacket on.

"Where are we going daddy?" Alex asked once we buckled him safely. Nathan opened the door for me and I slide inside.

"It's a surprise buddy." Mahir said and sit beside me as leo pulled the car out of parking area. I smile at him and look out of the window.

My eyes caught a black Roger following behind us. I once again look behind to confirm and saw five more car's following us.

"Someone is following us." I said turning to face Mahir. His face held no emotion as if he didn't bother if someone is following.

"Mahir someone is following us." I said this time more sternly.

"Don't worry they are my men's." He said looking at me. I sighed in relief.

"But why?" I asked slowly.

"I don't want anything happened to you or Alex. Just relax, okay?" He said cupping my cheeks and I nodded.

Half and hour later we reach the airport and Mahir gets out of the car. What the hell we are doing at the airport? Nathan walks to my door and opened it for me. I get down and turns to Mahir.

"What are we doing at the airport?" I asked, confused.

"You can't wait, can you?" He sighs
"You will know it soon." He said and help Alex getting out of the car. He carries him in his arm while I followed him. A man in Black suit walk towards us.

"Good evening, Mr Alfonsi." He greeted Mahir.

"All set?" Mahir asked and the man nods.

"Yes sir. This way please." He lead us to a restricted area and we passed through the gate without any passport or tickets or boarding passes. I saw a huge plane standing and felt a arm around my waist. I look up to see Mahir smiling at me. I smile at him when the man spoke.

"Have a safe journey. Sir and Ma'am." He says as we step inside the plane. The interior was nothing compared to a normal plane. It was huge and sophisticated with expensive leather seats.

Mahir buckled Alex in the seats and I realise there are no one in the plane other than us. And then, I realised that this is his private jet.

"Come on let's take our seats." He says and places his hand on my lower back, sending shiver down my spine.

After few hours Mahir wakes me up to buckle myself as plane was landing. I look at Alex who was grinning widely looking outside the window. I smile seeing him enjoying so much.

My eyes widen and my heart drop when the pilot annouced.

"Welcome to Paris. Have a pleasant stay." I hear the voice and I look at Mahir who is smiling widely at me.

"Paris?" I try not to squeal. Oh my god!
We are actually in Paris right now. Not that I haven't been here earlier but Paris is always an excitement. I can't believe this.

"Yes, Paris. It's like birthday gift to Alex." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"That's so sweet Mahir. They are going to love it." I said.

"Only them? Aren't you like obsessed with Paris?" He teases and I playfully glared at him. We both burst out into laughter before we are interrupting by Alex.

"Let's go. Let's go." He sqeualed in happiness.

It's already midnight here and all of us are so tired with all the activities we did back home and all the traveling. The driver of the black limo stops the vehicle infront of a hotel. Alex fell asleep in the limo, so Mahir carry him.

"Reserve on the name of Alfonsi." Mahir says to the woman sitting behind the desk. The woman looks up and her mouth falls open as she looks at Mahir.
She's staring at him like she wants to eat him. Her cheeks flush and she smiles looking down.

"O-One second, please." She says, blushing continuously. Is she fucking serious? I'm standing right next to him and he's carrying our son. Is she blind or what.

"Um..yes..Mr Alfonsi." She flushes again. She leans forward try to display her cleavage. "Can I have your I'd card, please." She says giving him a flirty smile. Mahir scows at her and I know that he's getting irritated.

"Miss William." A voice spoke from behind her and she turns around.
"I'm so sorry, Mr Alfonsi, She's new here." The man apologises.

"Whatever I need the card to our room." He snaps at the man.

"I'm sorry sir." He says and hand the key card to the room. Mahir glares at the girl who is now looking down at the floor, the colour drained from her face as she look pale. "Your luggage is already there sir." The man said and Mahir nods at him.

"Comeon." He says and put his hand on my back before walking towards the elevator. After good few minutes we reach the top floor and Mahir leads us to our room.

We have been here for a thirty minutes and I showered while mahir tucked Alex in the bed. Later he took a shower while I put on some night clothes. We settle on each side of the bed as Alex is sleeping between us.

"Good night, princess." He whispered coming close and kissed my forehead.

"Good night." I whispered and pull Alex to my chest whispering good night. It's doesn't took long before I drifted into deep slumber.

"I love you baby."

Was the last word I heard before falling asleep with a smile on my face.


Wow! They are in Paris.

Someone is being so romantic, aren't he?

I will really appreciate if you will leave some comments and vote for this.♥️

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