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Bella's PoV

"Ma'am your meeting is in five minutes." Maya reminded me. I look up from my laptop and smiles at her. "Do you want anything else, ma'am?" She asked

"No, thank you Maya." She smiles at me.
"Since there's nothing for you to do after I go to the meeting, I suggest you to take the rest of the day off." I stand up from my seat.

"Okay ma'am, Thank you." She say and I nods before leaving the room and she follow me out. I walk inside my meeting room where everyone was waiting for me.

"Good morning, gentlemen." I greeted them and they quickly replied raising from their seats.

"Please be seated." I nods before taking my seat.

"So what had been going on in my absence. I want every single information happened inside my building." I command and they quickly nods before showing me the files.

Next two hours went by taking meetings and arranging everything for the next event. I left my office checking everything. Nathan was already waiting for me beside the car.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Alfonsi." He greeted me.

"Good afternoon, Nathan. Please call me Bella." I said smiling.

"I'm sorry ma'am but Mr Alfonsi wouldn't like that idea." He said and smiles at me. I didn't said anything because I know they are too loyal with Mahir. God knows how can he managed everything perfectly.

The car to drive was quick and soon we reached home. I unlock the door and walk inside. Vanessa and Marcus were sitting on the couch as I walk in. Vanessa smiles at me.

"Hi, darling. How was work?" She asked.

"It was good, thanks." I smile at her and she nods.

"Lunch is ready and Mahir and Alex went out." She says and I nod.

"Thank you, Vanessa." I smiles at her. "I'm going to change." I inform her and she nods at me. I turn around and walk upstairs and into my bedroom. I pull out my phone and call Mahir. He answer it after two rings.

"Missing me already?" He teases.

"I was missing Alex actually." I say with a smile on my face.

"That hurt." I can imagine him pouting and I chuckle softly. "What are you doing? He asks.

"I just came home." I answer as I pull my over coat off my arms. "Where are you guys? When are you coming home?" I ask

"We are at the mall and he's currently having pizza." He says.

"No ice cream." I warn and he chuckles.

"Yes ma'am." He says and laugh. "Okay, we'll be there in an hour. I will see you then. Bye."

"Bye." I say and hung up. I have a big smile thinking about my own little family. My phone rings again and it's Mahir. I answer it. "Mahir?" I say.

"I'm sorry I forgot to say something." He says. "I love you." I can't help my smile as the words reach my ear and my cheeks heat up. How can he make me blush over a phone call?

"I love you too." I said and hung up. I put my phone back and went to take a shower. Once I cleaned myself I wore a lose tshirt and pyjama. I was about to go downstair when my phone rings again.

I look up to see a message from a private number,

Pasts keep a watch on the present.

Waiting for a chance to ruined it.

Who could have send this? This isn't just a message, there's something behind this.  I kept thinking about the message and the one who send this when I hear a voice.

"Hey." He walks towards me. I turn around and he wraps his hand around me, pulling me closer to his chest. My arms wraps around his torso.

"Hi." I smile at him. He dips his head down and pecks my lip. "How was the mall?" I ask

"It was fine." He said and carress my side.

"Did you have your lunch?" He asks as he releases me and sat on bed. I shake my head no.

"I'm going to eat now. Will you eat?" I ask and he shakes his head. I nod.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." He says and grabs my attention.

"What?" I ask

"I'm going to New York tomorrow. In the morning." He looks at me. My heart drops into my stomach and I continue to look at him. "Oh, no, no. I will be back by night. Just need to go and sign some important papers." He stands up and pull me to him. "I'm not leaving you." He answers my thought.

For a second I was shit scared that he's gonna leave me again. We just got back together and I don't want him to leave me and our son again. We have been far away way too long. I don't want him to leave us again.

"I'm not leaving." He stresses the word and I nodded. He placed his lip on mine and kisses me. It's kind of a promise kiss that seals his word in my heart. He pulls away leaving me breathless.

"Okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Say it out baby." He kisses the corner of my lips.

"Okay." I say.

Rest of the day went by watching movies and Alex telling about his day with his dad. Vanessa and Marcus left for California while Mahir went out for an important work which he didn't tell me. I kept thinking about the message and the hidden threat. I don't understand why someone says that.

Half and hour later Alex fall asleep and I carry him to his bed. I pull blanket over him and walk out of his room. I check my mobile if there's any message from Mahir but there's none.

I walk into my room, and into my bathroom. I take shower to calm myself down and get out of the bathroom once done. I dry my hair and wrap my robe around myself. I walk towards the bed and lay down, pulling the coveres over me. I check my phone once again but there's nothing from Mahir. I put my phone back and with uneasy feeling in my heart, I go to sleep.


Hey babies!

As promised I'm here with new update. I hope it doesn't bore you.

Please vote and comment for this chapter. Free feel to share what you think about this book. I really need to know your thoughts.

Till then, wait for the next chapter!

Much Love,
Sarah ♥️

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